the. real

21 1 0

Faih bae I'm leaving

Pharell why
Faith I'm gonna be on the real
Pharell cool bye

At the real
Loni let's welcome ymcmb recording artist who just dropped her first single faith smith
Crowd cheers
You hug Tamar Jennie Adrian Loni Tamera

Tamar so how you been doing

Faith good

Tamera so we hear you sign with ymcmb and you realse your first single my bae

Faith yes

Adrian so where gonna play kiss marry disk
Faith okay

Jenni so we have pharell Adam Levine and usher
Faith marry pharell disk Adam kiss usher

Loni so why disk Adam

Faith because I hate him

Tamar you know him

Faith yeah

Tamar pharell is fine

Loni our next guest is pharell
Pharell walks out
He hugs everybody
Pharell kisses you
YA talk with pharell
Loni now what about that kiss
Pharell ya ready
Jennai yes
Pharell wife
Faith husband
Loni congrats
PhArell thanks
Tamera pharell leave girl time
Pharell OK bye bae kisses you
Faith bye
Pharell leaves

Jennai congrulations
Faith thanks

TAmar girl how did you snag that hotness

Faith I dont know

You show them the ring
Adrian damm
Tamar damm that's fly
Loni so how did this happened

Faith the voice it. Went from their

Tamar how did he propose
Faith rose petals on the bed candles light lights off him in a tux and then he got on one knee and Asked me to marry him

Tamera that was so beautiful

Adrian so how. Did he meet your parents

Faith so promise me you won't tell him

Everybody we wont

Faith he meet. My mom and dad in new Orleans

Tamar how Vince meet my mom we was fucking

Faith me to but we was like fucking fucking do

Tamar damm

Loni what do we not know about pharell

Faith you no

TamAr how does he put it down my husband be ooh

Faith great

Tamar I hear you have a love trianguor

Faith no Adam levine been trying to holla since day one but my heart is with pharell they be fighting non stop

Tamar you got two celebrity's fighting over you

Faith yeah but I don't want Adam

Adrian damm

Faith phone rings

Faith hello

Adam hey faith

Faith what do you want

Adam you

Faith no imma get pharel on you come to the real
Adam okay

Faith bae

Pharell yes

Faith Adam is hitting on me come kill him

Pharell what the fuck no ones hits on my wifey I'm bringing the gun
Faith okay

Tamar damm

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