the. real

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Jeannie please welcome Adam levine

Adam hugs everybody'

Tamera Adam how you doing

Adam not good

Adrian why is that

Adam because the women I love does not want me

Loni let's bring out. His love. Singer faith smith

Tamar so why do you not love Adam

Faith because I don't like. Him everyday he is trying to hit on me but I just don't like love him

Tamar so. Faith is married to pharell so why do you still hit on her

Adam because I love her

Faith I don't like you i!m married to

Loni if pharell hears you he will kill

Adam I know but I will fight for the women I love
Faith imma call him puts on speaker
Pharell hey bae
Faith hey
Pharell what's up
Faith Adam keeps hitting on me
Pharell oh so what you want me to do
Faith come down here and beat his ass for me
Pharell cool anything for you bae
Faith he kissed me and touch in on me
Pharell aight I'm coming for his ass
Faith aight hangs up
Tamar Adam I would suggest you start running
Adam yeah
Ya know what happened

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