the winner is

26 0 0

Faith bae you ready

Pharell yeah

Adam pharell you going down
Pharell no

Chrstina Blake there Miranda

Faith  judge
First lie sector test
Chrstina pharell do you love faith
Pharell yes
Chrstina truth
Chrstina Adam same question
Adam yes
Blake truth
Ya answer more questions
Chrstina now  gifts  to see who knows you best
Adam 5presents
1  ring
2 convertible

3young money jacket

4  Braclet

1 ymcmb chain
2 rollys rice
3 engagement ring
4   necklace
5 ring
  Blake I think we all know the answer  but Adam so to hulimate  him again because he is stupid   and is about to get huliate let's watch so who. Do you pick every time

Faith pharell
Pharell I love you bae
Faith I love you too
Pharell Adam mad. Or na
Blake embrassed or not let's  watch this meltdown
Adam no no no
Pharell yes
Adam why     throws stuff around
Chrstina its not that serious
Blake chill
Faith yeah
Pharell its over drop it
Adam    how can I chill when the woman  I love  disses me over and over
Pharell here we go again.   Don't be mad because  I got it and you don't
Pharell kisses you
Adam stop it   I can't take it no more   seeing you kiss her   I m post to be the one to kiss and feel
And it is  driving me craZy

Faith well get used to it
Blake this is funny  kisses his wife
Pharell kisses you some more

Blake Miranda chrstina leave
Pharell and you start making out
Adam stop it
Ya keep going  ya stop
Pharell dang man
Adam stop kissing  my women
Pharell you're woman. My wife  and I'm. Gonna be the only one to touch and kiss on her got it
Adam yeah
Adam starts crying
Faith adam why are you crying
Adam because you married my best friend
Faith I can't help that I love him
Pharell dude you'll find  somebody
Adam no I want her and imma get her
Faith go head and trie dude
Adam okAy


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