/getting my wife back

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At mom and dads house

Mom hey pharell

Pharell hey is faith here

Mom yeah why

Pharell I need to see her she left me because this girl tried to seduce me

Mom let me go get her

Mom Pharell is here

Faith I don't wanna see him

Mom go back to him he loves you he is sorry go talk to him

Faith okay

Pharell hey bae

Faith what do you want

Pharell you come back to me I was was wrong but she came on to me bae I love you only you I will never do you wrong so put this ring back on and let's forgot what happened what you say

Faith I love you too I'm sorry. Pharell puts ring on my finger will you come back to me

Faith yes pharell kisses you

Mom I got my women back

Mom congrulations

Adam runs through the door

Adam faith I love you leave pharell and come to me what do you say

Faith hell na I don't want your ugly ass plus I got a taltened husband

Pharell woah I got my baby back

Carson I'm coming back and adam

Carson great

the voiceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें