the bet

31 0 0

Chrstina pharell and blake

Pharell faith sits on his lap yo

Blake yeah Miranda sits on Blake lap

PS they at the voice

Chrstina your wives say that ya smash everyday is this true

Pharell yeah

Blake yes

Chrstina so you can't go. A week without sex

Pharell hell no

Blake no

Pharell why

Chrstina let's make a bet

Blake what kind of bet

Chrstina that ya can't smash and which ever couple that caves first the losing couple

has to give the winning couple 2 cars and 5 ,ooo dollars and spell their sex details and the winner couple gets bragging rights deal

Faith do we have too

Pharell yeah I can't do that have you seen my wife

Faith imma girl and I can't do that were gonna lose

Pharell no were not gonna lose looks at you on second thought were gonna lose big time its gonna be hard but we can do it deal

Faith Jesus give me strength

Blake we can't do that but okay

Miranda deal

Chrstina OK in 20 minutes we start

Blake how are you gonna know who caves

Chrstina your wives

Pharell can we at least kiss our wives

Chrstina no so imma leave ya got twenty minutes to get it out your systems start

Blake and Miranda and pharell And faith runs to their dressing rooms

Blake and Miranda go at it

Pharell pushes you on the bed and starts strippin you and him then he kisses you no moaing

You know what happened next

Blake and Miranda put their clothes back on and you and pharell

Faith come on bae

Pharell hold on smacks your ass

Faith fuck you

Chrstina the bet is on


3 days later

Chrstina ya cave

Black no

Pharell nope

Faith walks out

So does Miranda

Blake damm Jesus

Blake I'm getting hot

Pharell sweating hot damm bae get up I all be back I'm going for a walk!

Blake I'm going with you

Faith Chrstina I gotta cave

Chrstina hold on

Pharell bae we can cave but don't tell them

Faith no

At the voice

Blake cave

Chrstina blake Miranda car keys money we don't need to know the other part

Pharell thank you him and faith run out




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