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At the voice

Chrstina pharell Blake were are my best friends

Pharell I don't know

Blake why

Chrstina they got a surprise for you

Blake what is it

Chrstina I'll be back

Chrstina ya ready

Miranda gold dress blue heels/

Faith black dress red heals necklace earnings hair down

Faith Miranda yeah

Miranda walks out

And then faith

Faith so bae what do you think

Pharell has his mouth open bae you look beautiful like a princess

Faith aww thanks

Pharell faints

Blake bae aww you look great

Miranda thanks

Blake faints

Chrstina what did ya do to these men

Faith Miranda nothing

Chrstina let's go get some water for these boys

They take water and pour it on pharell and blake

They still don't wake up

Miranda I'm take Blake home and wake him up

Faith me too

Chrstina aight leaves

At home

Faith takes pharell upstairs to the bedroom

And pours water on him doesn't work

So she gets on top of him and kisses him

Pharell wakes up hey bae

Faith hey

Pharell so what happened

Faith you saw me in this dressed and fantied you and Blake

Pharell OK so how did you do it

Faith i got on top of you and kissed you because water didn't work

Pharell thank you so you wanna finish what you started

Faith okay

Ya take off your clothes and he starts kissing you then you hear a car horn faith looks out the window

Faith shit my parents

Pharell they always messing up our grove ya put ya clothes back on

Pharell before they get in let's go to the mall

Faith OK

Ya get in his rollys roce and go

Ya buy Jordan's lebrons new kds jackets shirts pants

Mom took you long enough

Dad yeah

Mom were. You been

Faith. The store

Faith come sees my cars pharell brought me

Mom OK

Dad OK

They sees cars

Mom omg

Dad how much did they cost

Pharell you don't wanna know

Mom I love your necklaces let me see

Mom crying aww Pharell

Pharell yeah I know

Mom there beautiful

Faith. Thank you

Pharell I got a present for you

Faith more

Pharell yeah puts the ymcmb on you

Faith I love it but these gifts stop

Pharell nope nonsense

Mom what that stand for

Pharell young money cash money bussiness

Mom why

Faith because I got signed to young money cash money laleave

They leave

Faith. Bae can I ask you something

Pharell yeah

Faith when you first met me why did you ask chrstina to find out if I liked you

Pharell how did you find out

Faith chrstina

Phare?all because I wasn't gonna make a fool of myself

Pharell kisses you

Faith we should stop before my husband comes home

Pharell I married to they don't have to knowr

Faith I don't like you

Pharell yes you do

Faith no I dont

Pharell well I love you

Faith I love you too

Pharell pushes you on the bed

Faith get off of me

Pharell I love you too Mrs willams

Faith love you too

Pharell tell me again

Faith I love you

Pharell I !I've you too tries to kiss you

Faith stops him

Pharell you just gon leave me hanging

Faith yes

Pharell dam

Faith kisses you

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