adam. vs pharell

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Adam kisses faith

Pharell oh hell naw punches adam

Adam pharell let's talk

Pharell aight

Pharell why is you hitting on my wife

Adam because I love her

Pharell that's my wife I love her

They start fighting

More fighting

Faith pharell

Pharell yeah bae

Faith stop this

Pharell why is it crazy to fight for the women I love nope

Faith I love you too

Faith Adam why are ya fighting

Adam for you

Faith yeah.

Adam choose one of us

Faith and how Am I going to do this

Pharell by walking to one of us and kissing that person which will be me

Adam ready you're going down

Faith ya ready

Adam yeah

Pharell yeah Mrs willams

Faith walks to pharell and kisses him

Pharell kisses you

Adam wait your suppose to be making out with me not him

Faith kisses pharell

Adam your lips supposed to be on mine

Faith no they not

Adam why don't you want me

Faith because I don't like you or love you

Adam but

Faith for the last time I don't want you I want pharell my husband. One. More. Time

Me pharell yess you and me. Hell no

Faith bae. stop fighting over me I love you

Pharell I love you too

Adam I'm so embrassed well as long as you're with him I'm not doing the voice

Faith good

Christina so is he coming back to the show

Pharell nope

Blake what do he say

Faith he said as long as your with pharell I'm not doing the voice

Carson pharell can I talk to you

Pharell yeah what's up

Carson we gotta get Adam on this show again

Pharell and how are we going to do that

Carson you and Blake gon have to divorce your wives and Christina her husband

Carson go get them

Pharell Christina and Blake Carson want ya bae I'll be back

Blake Christina okay

Carson since Adam won't come. Back ya are going to have to get rid of your spouses

Pharell you're joking right

Carson no

Blake so since Adam is depressed we all got to give up our spouses

Carson yes

Christina that's not going to happen

Blake I'm not doing that

Pharell that's not possible

Carson well if you don't the show is done

Blake Christina pharell imma miss this show

All we don't need this money were singers were rich

Carson so what's it going to be

Christina I quit

Pharell me two

Blake me three

Carson ya don't do this

Christina blake

Blake sees his wife angry Blake runs after her

Christina pharell sees faith crying

Pharell what turns around sees faith crying bae wait leaves ruuing crying Jesus give me strength bae wait runs after her

Cristina you better hope they get this stratned out

Or you're gon be in trouble

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