my two lovers

30 0 0

Faith so today is the day of the completion

Workout room

Faith damm damm

Pharell hey bae

Faith hey. What you doing

Pharell workout

Pharell tries to kiss you

Faith don't kiss or touch me

Pharell why

Faith you sweaty

Pharell so

Faith ready for the completion

Pharell yeah

Faith comes back in bra and panties

Pharell damm looks at you and. Treadmill

Faith. No

Pharell kisses you puts his hands in panties

Faith moans

Knock knock

Faith I all get it

Pharell in your bra and panties

Faith yes
Pharell no
Ya know what happens next
Pharell won the completion
Pharell slaps your ass
Faith ouch
Pharell smirks
Faith oh
Pharell what's wrong
Faith my stomach hurts
Pharell you on your period
Faith yes
Pharell oh Jesus so what do you want
Faith you
Pharell I would rather do that later
Faith bae
Pharell yes
Faith I want you to kiss me
Pharell what's this going to solve
Faith my period
Pharell kisses you for 15 minutes
Faith much better
Pharell so on your period I have to kiss you
Faith yes
Pharell. Cool with me

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