Chapter 8

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Camila's view: "You have to make an Instagram Video where you sing together.",

Jô continued, trying look at least a bit serious.

"Are. You. Kidding. Me?!", I asked.

Maybe I understood something wrong?!

Singing with Neymar and put it to Instagram???

Who did he think we are?

Singers or what? Or just comic figures??

"Yeah, it gonna be funny! I will film you.", Jô continued teasing.

"Can't we make something else? Come on we are not in the kindergarten!", I complained.

"Maybe it is not a good idea to spend too much times with these boys.", I thought.

Neymar began to laugh: "I'm with it. Camila and me will sing a nice song. Right? We are good!"

I muttered sarcastically : "Yeah, VERY VERY GOOD!"

Neymar came towards me and put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me to stand up.

I couldn't help but follow him.

"We're gonna sing and make the Neymarzetes happy!", Neymar sang around while bringing two microphones for us.

"And make who happy??",

I asked confused.

"My fans! My Neymarzetes! Cute name right?", he asked proudly.

Neymarzete?! A bit weird but OKAY!

Finally Neymar came and gave me the microphone.

"So Jô. What do you want us to sing?", he asked loudly.

Jô leaned against the wall and made his phone ready for filming: "Sing...hmm, how about Balada Boa of Gustavo Lima? I know it's old but it is still one of my favourite songs!"

Balada whaat??

I didn't understand anything. I just stand there next to Neymar, in the middle of the living room, as if we were figures of fun, trying to look smart. But in reality I was like a dumb fish!

"Yeah, it's cool. Tchê tchêrere tchê...",

Neymar started singing. He turned to me, expecting me to sing like him.

I tried to not look as if I don't understand anything, what actually was the fact.

Slowly I started to follow singing with Neymar. I know, that everyone who was in the room would get big problems with their ears later because I really can't sing.

I think even a pig is more talented in singing than me.

"Tchê tchê tchu tchäää!", I started.

Neymar just looked at me while singing, trying to not burst into laughter.

"Yeah, wohoo. Amazing guys!",

Jô shouted and Gil and Rafa also filmed us as if we were Rihanna and Michael Jackson.

I tried to look just on Neymar because if not I wouldn't get it with this "challenge".

He smiled at me and danced a little bit. It looked so cute because sometimes he didn't know what to do.

At a sudden he took off his snapback and put it on my head. Then he smirked.

"Okay guys the 15 second video is ready for Instagram. It is good. Kinda cute. What a pitty that Instagram only allows 15 seconds.", Jô said giving Neymar his phone back.

Then Neymar came back to me and whispered: "You should wear more often snapbacks. It looks cool with your beautiful face!"

Did he just made a compliment?

Oh my god, I only hoped that I didn't blush...

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