Chapter 34

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Neymar's view: Today Camila and me wanted to go through Barcelona city. She wanted also to go to her old living place. I wasn't against it but I also didn't understand why we should bring her bad memories back. I kinda had a long night only thinking about her sadness and tears last day after the movie. And of course how she hugged me and looked at me as she asked about my fast beating heart. "Are you sure you want to visit?", I asked sceptically. "I mean, it's better to plan something more funny and happy. You should not spend your time by being sad know. That's not what I want to see on you.", I added. She nodded. Gently she put her open hair to one side. "I have to take something from there.." I was confused. I mean what else did she want to take? As she moved to my house my dad and me took all of her things and brought them to my house for her... "What do you mean?", I asked. "I forgot something what I first didn't want to take...but now I feel like to need it." I didn't reply. We both moved through the streets. There were a lot of fans wanting to take photos or getting autographs. I didn't worry about the press and the cameras. I mean, I also didn't have any problems when the medias say that I am together with Camila. "I am sure we are already!", I thought and smirked by the way.
"Now we should go left. ", Camila pointed to a direction. "It's not far away anymore." How cute she was. She kinda didn't recognize the fact that I already saw her old living place. "Okay, sure!", I gave back. As we arrived, one could see that she became a bit nervous. "How will you go into the house?", I asked. "I don't want to go into the house, Ney.", she answered. Cami seemed emotionless and afraid at the same time. I moved closer to her, holding her hand. "Hey...I just don't want you to be sad and unhappy. So let's just go to another place.", I muttered. She released her hands from mine and went nearer to the place. "No, I need it. It seems not to be important when you will see what it's actually...but for me it is." We arrived at a playground for children which stayed 50 metres from her old flat. I watched Camila climbing into one of the slides and looking around. "It's not here. Maybe it's in the sand?!", she said and jumped out of the slide. "Maybe you tell me what you search for and I will help you, Cami!", I whined. She kneeled down and digged in the sand for something. "It's here! I know it!", she whispered. I sat next to her , looking confused on her action. "What do you want to find in a playground for children, under the sand?!", I yelled. This girl was absolutely quiete by her own. "I've got it! I've got it, Ney!" I turned my head for seeing what she finally found.

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