Chapter 28

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Camila's view: Damn! Now everyone thinks that I am the new girlfriend of Neymar! Why we didn't think about it when we were together on the way to Neymar's car? I just could curse the whole time. But what made me a bit confused was that Ney was not mad about it. He was pretty calm....and kinda happy. I don't know, maybe I was wrong. I just didn't want to think about it. The rest of the day, we didn't do something special. We just were at home, Neymar and his friends played soccer and video games. They invited me to join but I was not in the mood. At the time they were playing soccer and video games, Rafaella and me helped Marcela, Ney's and Rafa's cousin, in the kitchen. We baked a cake for Tata, Rafaella's best friend, who had birthday tomorrow. I didn't know her but Rafa reassured me that we would become good friends. "You will like her! She is the best friend one can wish!", Rafa smiled proudly. I nodded. I had to admit that I didn't know anything about baking or cooking or anything what is made in the kitchen. Yes, I know, I am a perfect housewife!!! Everything I did was wrong, or better said just stupid! "No, no, don't put the salt into the cake, Cami!", Rafa laughed. I wondered about myself. I mean I knew that I was not intelligent or smart but I didn't know that I was actually THAT stupid! "Sorry, I know I'm silly!", I whined and put the salt back. "It's okay! I mean I am not better!", Rafa replied. While making- or better said- destroying the cake, we listened to music and danced around. Marcela also danced and made a video of us for posting on Instagram. Finally we put the cake into the oven. "HELL, it's my favourite song!", we suddenly heard a voice from the living room. It was Neymar and as I realized it I began to laugh. He came to the kitchen, looking fresh and happy and started to enter the kitchen by dancing. His moves were attractive and I noticed that he danced towards me. "Hey, stop. Don't touch me!", I laughed and stepped back. But Ney continued and smirked with his cute face. "I want you to dance, dance!", he sang along and took my hands. I didn't want to be the spoilsport so I replied with dancing. "Yeah, that's what I wanted to achieve.", Neymar whispered and turned me. I smiled gently and tried to dance not that embarrassing. "Seriously?", Gil chuckled as he entered the kitchen with his eyes wide opened. Neymar smirked and looked to me. "I'm dancing well, not?", he asked proudly. "I have to admit, yes!", I replied what was meant seriously. The song ended and Ney wanted to dance to the other song with me but I moved away, without stopping to laugh and Neymar also chuckled. Suddenly it smelt kinda strange in the kitchen. First I didn't know what it was, but then I understood: "OH HELL, THE CAKE!!!", I screamed and ran towards the oven. I forgot that we had to leave the cake only 15 minutes in the oven. While dancing, this damn cake went out of my mind. Full in panick I opened the oven and the smoke came towards my face. "Uggh! Shit!!!", I cursed while taking the cake and put it on the kitchen table. And there it was: Ladies and Gentlemen, the new creation of BLACK CAKE!!! I noticed the others laughing and clapping their hands. Rafa also participated. "Oh man! It looked so amazing as we put it first in the oven...and now it...", I started but Ney interrupted me: "And it still looks adorable! I don't know about you, but I will eat it!" Gil and Jô nodded. "Guys, the DAMN CAKE IS BLACK!!!", I yelled and pointed to the cake. Rafa smiled and put her hand in front of her mouth to not show how she laughed. "Not funny Rafa! I think we can throw this cake away. We have to start again!" All of a sudden Neymar ran to the cupboard and took a knive and a fork. He came back and started to distribute the cake in some pieces. While chuckling, he put the piece on the plate and started to eat this black thing we just took of the oven. "....Mmhhhh, just tasty as always!", he muttered and closed his eyes. Gil and Jô looked confused at each other, then shrugged their shoulders and also took one piece of the cake. "I have to admit, it doesn't taste that badly!", Gil said as he ate the cake. Rafa and me looked at each other and smiled. These boys were just crazy. I knew that Rafa, Marcela and me had to bake another cake for Tata's birthday. This black thing would not be her birthday cake. For sure not. "Thanks, it was a special way...!", Neymar smirked. He came towards me, gave me a fleeting kiss on my right cheek and left the kitchen. I just stand there, didn't know if I was shocked or just confused. I fast turned around, looking if he was still there looking back, but he was in another room. I looked to Rafa and saw her smiling at me brightly. "Hohoooo!", she teased. My cheeks blushed and I looked down.

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