Chapter 40

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Neymar's point of view:
"Maybe we're gonna go to the beach tomorrow? After my training?", I asked everybody in the kitchen. "I mean, we've never been there with Camila. What do you think?" Jô was about getting some coke and nodded. "Isn't it a bit too cold?", Rafaella whined while looking at her phone as usual. She was probably chatting with her friends in Brazil again."Well, it's okay for chilling there. It's not that cold. And Rafa, you don't have to go into the water if you don't like to.", Gil replied. Everybody agreed on it.

Camila's point of view:
The next day, Neymar went to training in the afternoon and Rafaella and me prepared something for snacking and drinking in the beach later. "Popcorn shouldn't missing. Can you take some coke and sprite from the fridge?", Rafa asked me to do. "Okay and what about some chill music? Shouldn't missing", I suggested. Gil came over and brought his music box. "I'll take it then."

"Guys, I'm back!", I heard Neymar from another room. He finished his training. It was about 5pm and we were all ready for the beach. It maybe sounds a bit unrealistic, but the whole time I lived in Barcelona, I was only 3 times or less in the beach. From my recent place the beach was far away, and honestly I didn't know what to do there. Since I was so in drug consuming with Dave...

Neymar's point of view:
Couple of times later we could see the beach out of the car's window. We parked the car in a parking lot next to the beach and stepped out of the car. The beach looked better that any time before, or it was because a girl I loved so much was beside me, which was more likely. It was warmer than I expected. We sat down on the sand in a circle, putting all the food and drinks in the centre. Gil took out his music box and put some brazilian music on. It all felt so nice.

Camila's point of view:
I noticed Ney looking at me. As I catched his view, he did as if he looked somewhere else. I tried not to laugh and took some potato chips. "Guys, let's play some truth or dare.", Jô suddenly said, drinking his coke. "It's not your serious, right?", I laughed. I've always connected this game with force, and pressure, I don't know, maybe I was crazy. "Yeas, nice one. Let's do it with this coke bottle.", Ney said. We all came a bit closer to each other, and Neymar started to spin the bottle. The bottle showed at the direction of Gil. "Ohh man, I'll take truth." We all booed on him, cause he did not take the harder thing. "Okay Gil, this is a serious question you have to answer honestly... How long have you gone without showering?" We all bursted into laughter. "Oh come on Ney, I am not stinking!", Gil whined. "Okay, I am honest...I showered yesterday. Really!", he finally answered. "Neymar, the real question is, how long you have you gone without showering!", Rafaella gave back. "I don't I'm joking!", Ney gave back. The next turn, was Rafaella. "I'll take dare.." Gil smirked and we all were keen to see what dare he would give her. "Rafa, I dare you to go into the water!", Gil finally answered. Rafa opened her eyes widely, since we all knew how much she hated swimming in cold water. "Nooo, Gil, that's not your dare! What the hell, I told you yesterday that I hate it, and it's so damn cold!", she whined but she finally gave up and went into the water with all her clothes. "Oh god, it's cold, gashhh!", she screamed from there. We all watched her, without stopping to laugh. "Rafa, you look awesome in wet.", I smiled as she came back. "Cami, what the hell, give me a towel, I am dead!", Rafa shouted. I covered her in a towel. Next turn was Neymar. He chosed truth as well. "Neymar, what was your first impression of Camila?" I turned my head to look at her with a what-the-hell-are-you-doing_expression.Oh god, that one was akward. I had a little flashback of yesterday when Ney told me that he loves me. Honestly I was keen to know what his first impression of me was. Neymar turned his head to me and looked at my face. He leaked his lips, probably thinking what he wanted to say. A little smile appeared on his face. I noticed that everyone wanted to know what his answer was.

Hey babes, I will now try to update more, so please stay active. I am sorry that I just forgot to update, and I kinda thought that it's getting boring, but I have now an idea about the story, you will see in the next chapterssss. I hope u like it, this chapter was boring. I know, but it will get better, promise. Please vote and comment ,it means a lot to me.
Love y'all

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