Chapter 18

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Camila's view: It was a rainy day in Barcelona which was quiet unusual.
I was sitting in my bed room and looked around as if I was new here.
It was around 11 o'clock in the evening. Rafaella, Gil and Jô went somewhere. They wanted me to come with them but I decided to stay.
Neymar wanted to go sleeping earlier because of his match tomorrow which would start 1 o'clock .
Neymar's father and mother traveled to Brazil for a week.

To kill my boredom, I marched to the living room, slowly , so I would not wake Neymar up, to watch TV.
Calmly I slipped out of my room and sneaked down the stairs.

Holy shit, I heard every noise like thousand times louder than in actually was.
My foot steps sounded like from an elephant.

Suddenly I heard a strange high child voice.
I fast turned around to look from where it came.
It was a laughter.
Then I noticed that it came from Neymar's bed room.
Slowly I creeped towards the door and pressed my ears against the cold surface of the door.

What the hell was that?!

Again a childish laughter. And then Neymar's voice. He said something in another language.
I tried to look through the keyhole.
First I saw just darkness until a gleam of light came through the hole and my eyes watered because of the lightness.
Again I pressed my ear against the door.
Now I heard nothing.
Just silence.
At a sudden the door opened.
I triped against someone and hit my head against someone's knees.
I hit it quiet hard.
I yelled a I lied on the floor like a helpless little child.
I was lying in front of someone's feet.
Then I heard a loud laughter.
Fast I turned around and saw Neymar, wearing grey sweat pants and a white t-shirt, with his phone in his hand.
He turned the flashlight function and hold the light in front of me, so that I almost could not see his face.
"Hey stop it!",
I shouted, still lied in front of him.

Hell, it was just embarrassing!!!

"What are you doing on the floor, Cami?",
he asked and just couldn't stop laughing.
"Are you stalking me or what?",
he asked and reached me his hands.
I took them and he pulled me to him, so I could stand up.
"Are you okay? What were you doing?",
he smirked.
I replied and didn't look at him.

Oh hell!
He surely would not stop laughing! How stupid could I just be???
Well done, Cami!

"Nothing means stalking!",
he teased me and nudged my nose gently.
I put his fingers away and shouted:
"No I didn't stalk you or something!
I just wanted to go watching TV as I suddenly heard a strange childish voice which came from your room. So I just wanted to look what it was. That's all!"
He still could not stop smiling at me.
"You are stalking me! Come on, give up!", he teased.
"No! I'm not!", I answered.
-"You are!"
"I'm not!"
-"You are!"
"I'm not!"
- "Okay you're not, I believe you. Just wanted to tease you a bit!",
he finally gave up and leaned against me.
I went a step back and asked:
"So what was this childish voice? Were you that?"
Neymar smiled and locked his phone to show me something.
"Sit down, I'll show you something.", he said and pulled me gently into his room.
We both took seat on his bed as he showed me a picture.
he smiled cutely and pointed on someone.

Just the way you areOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz