Chapter 27

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Camila's view: I waited for Neymar in front of the changing room. Still I was exited and couldn't believe what Neymar did....a heart significance..?
What should it suppose to mean?
While thinking about that, I smiled.
I thought of his happiness and his celebration after he scored the goal...which was actually for me.
How cute he was!
My thoughts were interrupted by someone who touched gently my shoulders. I turned around and saw the cute happy face of Neymar.
"Hey princess!",
he greeted and smirked. His eyes were wide open and again I was surprised how beautiful they were.
I replied shyly.
I mean, what should I say instead???
Suddenly I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him.
"Thank you!",
I whispered.
Neymar hugged me too. He seemed to be happy that I hugged him because he chuckled gently.
"For what?",
he asked, acting as if he doesn't know the answer.
"You know what I mean!",
I smiled.
He looked curiously and smirked:
"No, I have NO IDEA!"
I sighed and said:
"Thank you for the goal...and thank you for making me...happy!"
His arms felt protective and comfortable. I wanted to stay like this but I also didn't want to make an idiotic impression. Slowly I moved from his arms but Neymar pulled me back to his chest and hugged me again.
"Stay like this and don't move!",
he whispered softly.
I started to talk, but Neymar interrupted me immediately.
"Psssshh, don't talk too much, Cami."
I started to laugh.
My heart went crazy, I hoped that he didn't hear feel it.
Everybody who saw us from the side would think that we were a couple.
"Okay Ney, stop now! I can't breathe!",
I laughed.
Neymar let me and looked happily.

Neymar's view: I knew that she liked it when I hugged her.
"Okay, the next days I have day-offs. No training and no matches. So we have to plan what we will do.",
I said while we were on the way to my car. There were a lot of fans who wanted a signature and photos. I Although I was a bit tired because of the match, I gave them autographs and took photos with them.
There were also a lot of cameras. I noticed that Cami didn't feel comfortable. Gently I took her by hand and pulled her from all the paparazzis.

Finally we arrived my house and suddenly I heard an applause from the living room.
I looked to Camila confused and she also shrugged her shoulders.
"Our man of the match!!!!", I heard Rafaella shouting and running towards us. Jô and Gil followed and laughed. Rafaella hugged me and then Cami.
"Yees, I'm here!", I replied and threw my bag on the floor.
We all went to the living room and threw us on the couch.
Camila began to talk:
"Who was this damn player who fouled you with intention and then pushed you?"
"This fucking damn player was Ronaldo!",
Jô replied a bit angrily.
I nodded:
"Yes! He is always fouling someone or he dives all the time to get penalties!"
Camila took a breath: " As he fouled you, I almost lost my control. I really wanted to slap him into his face!"

I chuckled: "You really would do this? I kinda can´t imagine you to do this, Cami!"

Camila interrupted me energeticly: "Next time I will, if he do this again!"

Her hair strains moved in her face everytime she shook her head. I believed that she was very vivacious. I really liked her. I don´t know...but I kinda felt good when I was near her. She was different from all the other girls. She was...real... I believed her everything she said, everything she made. And as she hugged me today after the match, I just didn´t want to let her go, just wanted to stay like this.

"Why are you looking at me the whole time, Ney?", I suddenly heard her saying and looking a bit confused. Jô and Gil looked at each other and smirked- oh hell, these boys knew what was going on with me. "Hmm, nothing. I it to observe you!"; I replied and continued looking at her.

Rafa began to laugh: "Hey Ney, stop it now! We all know why you do this!"

I smirked: "You do?"

Camila looked from side to another. Her cheeks went red, as always. I almost wanted to go to her and hug her, show that I liked her very much and that I normally don´t observe people I don´t like.

"Okay, we have to do something in these days!"; Gil muttered and looked into his phone. Then he looked with a smirking face to me and Camila:

"Look what your fans think now of you and Camila. They made pictures of you and Camila when you leaved the Camp Nou."

Camila packed terrified his phone and looked what he meant. I got up and moved next to her to see what was on the picture. I saw a photo of me pulling Camila by arm in the car park. Gently I smiled and looked at her face to see her reaction.

"WHAT THE HELL?! THEY THINK WE ARE A COUPLE!", she screamed and hold the phone in front of my nose.

"Is it not the reality?", I teased her and gave Gil´s phone back to him who laughed.

"Yeah Camila, Ney is right! It's actually the reality!"

I gave Gil a high-five. He always understood me.

Camila began to laugh:

"No it´s not! Are you not annoyed that they post these things and publish them? I mean it is a lie!"

I put my arms around her and laughed: "YOU think it´s a lie! I don´t. My Neymarzetes know almost everything what´s going on with my life. "

She put my arms away. I knew that she thinks it was a joke what I told her. But for me it was no joke!

I love her!

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