Chapter 9

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Taehyung opened his eyes blinking. Breathing heavily, staring at the celling.

He slowly got up not believing that it was all a dream.

The dream that felt SO real.

'What the FUCK was that!'

Taehyung thought to himself,

'Why I had a dream about Yoongi? And why a dream where he is literally about to fuck me?

And why did it feel nice? Like I was loving what he was doing or like I wanted more.'

Taehyung thought, running a frustrated hand through he's hair.

'Is this what Yoongi felt when he said while he was drunk that I was so close to fuck him and it felt nice? Did h-  did he had these kind of dreams too....and all those about me fucking him?

No no no Taehyung that's not it! That can't happen. Why would he dream about me like that.

But then why would he say that to me staring right into my eyes? And those moans when I went in the room to give him lemonade, he said my name.
But now why am I having these dreams?

Oh god what the hell!'

Taehyung sat up straight thinking again,

'Maybe this is all because I was thinking too much about Yoongi moaning my name. It would not have been happened if I had not thought about him.

It's ok Taehyung, there's nothing to think about. He just had a dream about me...maybe not a good one but.....well i think it can be an interesting one by hearing his moans, maybe he was really enjoying it in his dreams'

He thought smirking

'NO! Taehyung no, what the hell are you thinking. He is your boss you can't think about him like thatt!

Oh god I should just go to sleep and NOT think about this.'

Oh but poor Taehyung. He couldn't sleep well at night because of those thoughts coming and going in he's mind.


"Good morning Taehyung!"

Yoongi said with a gentle smile when he saw Taehyung in the kitchen making coffee.

"Uh- Good morning Yoongi."

Taehyung replied with an awkward smile.

"What's with the weird smile?"

"Wh-what weird smile, THIS is my smile! By the way let it be, sit here I'll get you coffee."

Taehyung said laughing nervously.

"Are you sure you are okay?"

Yoongi said with a confused look.

"Yeah I am. Now let me make some coffee for us. Also I won't leave you without having a breakfast because I know you won't eat anything in the rush for office."

Taehyung said not even looking at him.

"I- never mind. But I'll leave immediately."

Yoongi decided not to argue.

"Yeah sure."

Taehyung said awkwardly.

'Something is wrong. Why he is acting like this to me. Did I moaned his name out loud? Did he heard me? This is not possible. I must be overthinking. He'll talk to me for sure.'

Yoongi thought to himself.

Taehyung called Yoongi and he was distracted from his thoughts.

"D-drink this and n-now I-I am going to m-make s-something."

Taehyung said, stuttering.


'Why he is stuttering. Did he saw a ghost? Ahh never mind.  Why would I care.'

Yoongi thought to himself.

He thought he won't care but he is unknowingly caring.

"Breakfast is ready."

Taehyung called Yoongi in Tiny Tone.


Yoongi replied.

Everything was fine until Yoongi said to Taehyung.

"I want more."

Taehyung was shook but then he realized Yoongi wanted more food.

"Yeah sure, here."

Taehyung said breathing heavily.

Yoongi noticed the awkwardness which Taehyung was having towards him.

He decided to see if he acts like this to others too.

"Now I'll head to my home then we will meet in the office, oky. Don't be late Taehyung-ah."

Yoongi gave a sweet gummy smile.

Taehyung was whipped for that smile.

'No Taehyung, he is your boss. You can't fall for your boss. Calm yourself. Besides being a boss, he is your friend too. Don't ruin this precious friendship for a fucking nightmare.'

Taehyung thought to himself.





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