Chapter 23

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"Taehyung! Yoongi! Are you guys okay!!?"
Hobi crashed into the store room.

Even though Yoongi locked the door, it was not locked properly because Yoongi was too much into Taehyung's lips.

Both of them separated at the speed of light.

Taehyung turned away hiding his face out of embarrassment meanwhile Yoongi was giving a death stare to Hobi.

"O-okay, I know I disturbed you guys but we were searching for you everywhere."

"Oh really?! You had to SEARCH for us when you locked us up here purposely?"

"I- I am s-sorry, but is it wrong to give you some private time?"

"No it's not at all wrong. But when we were enjoying our time, disturbing us is fucking wrong. Understood?"

"Oh god Yoongi, I really didn't wanted to disturb you guys. We were worried because it was snowing. So Stop your romance here and continue it downstairs infront of us now."

"Ha! Bold of you to assume that you would get it." Yoongi scoffed.

Hobi rolled his eyes,
"Let's just go down. Taehyung tell your man."

This time Taehyung's cheeks went fully red.
And a pink blush formed on Yoongi's cheeks.

"Y-yoongi, l-lets go."

"Wow Taehyung, you can't even speak properly. You seriously stuttered infront of your boyfriend. I am really proud of you"

Taehyung was blaming himself inside.

Yoongi got a little close to him.

"Okay baby, let's go."

He whispered to Taehyung which made him shiver.

"Should we go?"

Hobi was standing there keeping both of his hands on his waist.

"Yeah fine, let's go."

When they finally gotvin the apartment, Taehyung ran to the couch and grabbed a blanket hiding his face.

"Guyyyyyys guess what!

I caught them kissing."

Everyone was equally shocked.

"A-aren't you guys really fast?"

Namjoon smirked at them which made Taehyung blush more.

"Spill the whole tea, Mr. Jung."

"Call me Hobi first."

"Okay Hobi, Spill the tea."

"Okay so when I entered the room, Yoongi was literally sitting on the table and Taehyung was standing in between his legs and the both were just about to kiss."

"What? Hobi why would you ruin their moment! You could have just entered quitely and recorded it."

Jin winked at both of them.

Yoongi was secretly blushing on all of this teasing things.

He sat beside Taehyung holding him in his arms and wrapping them around his waist.

"Baby, should I tell them what you were exactly doing to me?"
Yoongi whispered in really seductive tone.

"Yoongi shut up, or I-"

"Or what?"
He smirked and raised an eyebrow.

Looking at him all Taehyung wanted to do was kiss Yoongi to shut him up infront of everyone.

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