Chapter 22

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"Take your coats with you too everyone! It can snow anytime, they said it on the news."
Jin told them, as they were all a little drunk.

They all went on the roof top, with Taehyung guiding them.

"Guys keep it down! Some people are sleeping now. Everyone's not like us!"
Taehyung whisper yelled at them.

"Tae, its okay...just let them enjoy! They are not that loud."
Yoongi pushed him wrapping a hand around his waist.

When they got out of the elevator, Taehyung opened the door and let everyone in....well out...on the roof top...whatever that now everyone was on roof tarrace.
And before letting go of the door he kept a little pipe he found there in between to keep the door open.

"Oohhh its cold!"
Hobi let out a shakey breath.

"Well its December Hobi, what else do you expect?"

"Yoongi for once! For once can you NOT reply me with your savage ass!"

He just shrugged and went to help Namjoon, Jungkook and Taehyung to help arrangeing the chair which were just lying on the roof tarrace under the store room shade.

They were all settled in there chairs comfortably now.
There were two simple lounge chairs and some normal desk chairs.

So now the new couple were cuddling on one of the lounge chairs and the soon to be married couple was cuddling on the other one.
Namjoon and Jin were sitting on the normal chairs holding hands.
And Hobi was cuddling his blanket he bought with him up here.

Its not like Hobi wants to be single. He just doesn't want a relationship right now. Hobi didn't find anyone perfect for him, he never tried to search for her.

He just wants to focus on what he has in his hands right now. And thing is done.
He is looking at the couple he was shipping for long time together, cuddling.
And they are no one else than his friends!
Its the happiest day for everyone!

"Today is the best day for all of us!"

"For me and Yoongi it is....but why for all of you?"

"Because, the ship we all were shipping finally sailed."

Hobi was the third happiest person on earth.

Obviously first was Yoongi and second was Taehyung.


Taehyung was really confused at Hobi's shipping thing looking at him with big eyes.

Yoongi can't help but laugh at Taehyung's innocence.

Hobi never saw Yoongi laughing like this.

Yoongi laughed once or twice before but in a frequency only turtles can hear.

Hobi was right. The main part that was missing in Yoongi's life was Taehyung.

And now the Puzzle of Yoongi's life is complete.

Its like he found the last piece.

"Well yes, I was so done with Yoongi's arrogant ass. And I wanted someone to change him. I was shipping you both since we first met. When I first saw you and when we talked for the first time, I knew it that you were perfect for him. You can change him and you can bring colours of happiness to his life. And these people are newbies."

Hobi got a bit emotional because he cared for Yoongi a little too much. All he wanted was Yoongi to be happy.

"Also we have a group chat named 'Taegi shippers'."

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