The Deep End

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   "I'll be right back. You two stay here while I go get Slade," Shan told the girls before walking off. Marinette and Tikki sat in the visiting area at an empty booth. The girls stayed silent, afraid of causing more problems and a disturbance.

The bowl of problems is already overflowing enough, spilling over the side a little. No one is willing to dump it out, fearing it will only be refilled again.

Yet, this cruel game is taking a toll on the two. No matter what, the topic will eventually be brought up and will need to be somehow resolved. They're only delaying the inevitable the more they avoid it. At least, the more Marinette wants to hold it off.

The bluenette is crazy tired and stressed out, not in the right mindset. She hopes once Tikki sees Slade that she might understand once they get talking. Tikki will realize that the story about her father's death was all a horrible lie.

Marinette didn't know how to tell the redhead without hurting her and thought it would be best to take her along at the last minute. Sometimes, actions speak louder than words. Sure, it isn't the way to reveal this kind of stuff, but Marinette isn't in the best place to be making good decisions.

   Marinette stared down at her lap, falling deeper into her thoughts of what the outcomes of this visit will be. Surely not good if it was kept secret but the truth of why it was will be revealed.

   Tikki kept looking around the room, seeing two other booths are being used. She wondered what kind of conversation it'd be like to have with a criminal. Obviously, they aren't making merry like talking about the news, trading Pokemon cards, or whatever.

   She is honestly scared of what will happen, considering her sixth sense is going haywire. She's nearly tempted to run out the door. Tikki does not understand what's going on, many holes between the little details.

   "Marinette, what's going on? Why won't you tell me anything?" Tikki questioned.

   "You'll find out soon," is the only reply she received from the teen. Tikki isn't liking this one bit but doesn't get a chance to say anything else.

The door on the other side of the booths opens. Shan walks through first, accompanied by two officers guiding a man dressed in an orange jumpsuit. The handcuffs on the man's wrists clanked with his every movement. There is something about this guy that makes the girls uncomfortable.

The two officers forced the man to sit on the seat parallel to Marinette and Tikki. A glass partition separated them. Marinette and Tikki got a better look at the man. Yet, what stood out the most is his bluebell eyes. The exact color as Marinette's orbs but there's something that is unsettlingly off.

   Although Marinette has the same eye color as this guy, a dull bitterness is seen in his. Tikki could almost see the sinister aurora radiating off the prisoner. She shrunk under his gaze, looking down at her shoes.

Slade glanced over at Marinette, who stiffened and clutched her knees. The man's face finally showed some types of emotions. A mixture of confusion and surprise wrinkled his features. He reached for the phone and held it to his ear. The bluenette quickly copied her father's movements, unsure of what else to do or say.

"Mei?" Slade questioned, quietly and making Marinette freeze, "Mei? H-How are you alive?"

"Do I really look that similar to mom?" She thought before frowning. She could feel her mouth dry up and her hands grow a bit shaky. She hates to be the baron of bad news but she isn't going to lie...unlike some people she knows.

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