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Eomer's POV

I walked out of Nathalia's house numbly. Willow was gone, just like that. She ran away from me and I wanted to go after her like before to bring her back but I knew she wouldn't let herself be caught again. And she said to stay away from her, I didn't understand why though. Confused and hurt I walked back to the Hall. Everyone was staring at me as I walked in. Eowyn and Faramir included.
"What happened?" Eowyn asked mockingly like she new Willow was a bad idea.
"Willow told me she does not love me and doesn't want to see me again." I said. Eowyn gave me puzzled look. 
"And you went after her?" Eowyn asked. "What happened?"
"She's gone." I said gloomily.
"Gone where?" 
"Back to Gondor. She's tried to leave before but I went after her and persuaded her to return but I know this time I won't catch her again." Both Eowyn and Faramir gave me strange looks before Faramir spoke.
"You never know, Willow is unpredictable and wild as they come. But tonight, it is a party, they are made for good food and drink all to forget the past." He handed me a jug of ale and I took a sip and tried to forget why I was sad. Let the night live on. 

I didn't end up drinking as much ale as I thought I would. There was only one reason for it. We ran out. So when the party ended I was still quite sober. Eowyn and Faramir had gone to "bed" and everyone else had left so I was sitting on by fire looking into the flames. Above them was the pot, suspended above the warmth keeping Willow's stew warm. It was habit on mine to drink it when I was in the room but I couldn't bring myself to imagine Willow making it that very morning. My thoughts were interrupted  by the sound of the doors opening and closing. Footsteps were light and fast coming closer to me before I soft hand was placed on my shoulder. 
"I take back what I said and I'm deeply sorry for the way I acted." Said Willow softly. I didn't get excited, dreams were only dreams that brought disappointment. 
"Your not real." I told her. Willow scowled.
"I am real Eomer!" She snapped angrily. I blinked. 
"Your real!" I sad getting up. 
"Yes!" She said laughing. "I am!" I ran and hugged her. 
"I'm so sorry Willow." 
"So am I, everything I said, forget it." She said. She then pulled away from the hug and looked me softly in the eye. Her lips puckered and she reached up and gave me a soft kiss on the lips. In shock I kissed back enjoying the moment between us.
"I always wanted to do that." I told her. A flicker of remorse flashed in her eyes but she smiled. 
"So have I." She smiled. 
"You left, what bought you back?" II asked
"I didn't leave, to much.... hesitation." She said cheekily.
"Would you like to finish that dance?" I asked.
"But there's no music!"
"You are the music." I replied waltzing her around the room. She laughed and smiled as we danced around the room. 
"What now?" She asked suddenly. 
"You decide." I told her. She looked surprised with the answer but smiled anyway. 
"Perhaps when Eowyn has left, then we can truly be together." I looked into her eyes. They were shining bright full of love and joy. For the first time in a long time they were truly happy. 

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