10 Jealous

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~ Louis~

"How long does it take to buy one fucking dress. I mean geez." Niall grumbles again for about the fifth time.

"C'mon Horan, they've only been gone an hour." I said trying to reassure him in some way.

Another exaggerated huff came from him.

"Harry's gotten into a girls pants in way less." He mumbled.

I walked up to Niall before smacking him square in the back of the head.

"Ow." He howled, clutching the back of his head. "What was that for?"

I rolled my eyes before saying, "For thinking Harry and Em are out fucking in the toilets."

"It's not that strange to think. It's pretty obvious he fancys her. I mean who wouldn't." He said sulking back into his seat.

"C'mon Ni, you know Harry wouldn't make a move on her with how much he knows you still care for her." I explained, before Niall gave me a shocked expression.

"What do you mean he knows how much I care for her?"

I couldn't help but burst out laughing, and I was joined into it too by Liam and Zayn standing in the doorway.

Liam was the first one to calm down, before he went and sat by Niall patting him on the back.

"Sorry mate but it's pretty obvious that you have some feelings for her besides being old besties." Liam said, slightly chuckling.

Zayn followed in suit while grabbing a banana and plopping down next to Liam still laughing. "Can't believe you thought we didn't notice."

Niall just sat there like a lost puppy before sitting up and putting on a straight face. Or as straight as he could get it. "I don't know what you lads may think, but there's no hidden feelings I have for my best friend."

"Well actually it's ex-best friend." I heard Zayn mumble, right before Niall shot him a death glare and Zayn just ducked his head and continued eating his banana.


(Okay so this is where I'm starting off after two years so no judging y'all)

"Oh fuck off, will yah!" I yell at Zayn, before making my way, very loudly might I add, back toward our bunks. I collapse in a heap on my bed before staring up at the ceiling getting lost in thought over one girl... Emily.


I can't help but laugh hysterically at Harry's story while we made our way into the tour bus. "I can't believe you did that!" I say a bit too loudly behind me.

Harry put his hand up in defense, "Hey, it's not my fault that lady didn't recognize who I was, I mean c'mon babe, who could forget a face like this?" He gave my a big, cheeky grin before crashing on the couch and me next to him, still laughing.

Once I finally calmed down I look over at Louis who's eyeing me suspiciously before giving him a "what's up lou?" look. He simply shrugs before saying,"Oh nothing, looks like you two had a good time."

I shrug," Yeah, I guess if you think an hour with Harry Styles is a good time then sure." Giving Harry a fake mocking look.

He gave me a smirk before leaning towards my ear and with a breathy whisper, "Actually, babe, I know about a million different girls who would agree to that in a heartbeat."

My eyes widened a bit and I couldn't help but blush knowing perfectly well that he was EXTREMELY correct.

"So, guess you guys finally decided to grace us with your presence huh?" I hear someone snap from across the room.


Hey so I'm just gonna leave it there, hope y'all like it. So I don't really remember how I planned this story to go but maybe to get me back into the hang of things, and bc I hate how Emily is to my baby Niall, I'm probably gonna push things along a bit with them anyways bye my lovelies, hopefully I'll talk to y'all soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2018 ⏰

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