7 Tour Bus

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Hey sorry I haven't updated in forever, it's just that school has been really busy but I'm out in two weeks and once it's summer I'll be able to post a lot more. Love you guys.


I woke up with a start to the sound of a loud clattering followed by a lot of "Shhhs".

I looked around and had no idea where the heck I was and...

Wait. Matt, Niall, Harry. It's all coming back.

I groaned quietly.

They all saw that stupid breakdown and, oh dang it, the rant. I sighed.

I slowly pulled back the curtains and sat up... bang. Ouch. I rubbed my head with my hand before getting up and walking to the open door.

I looked out to see all of the boys except Niall. Thank God.

I cleared my throat and all of their heads snapped in my direction. They just stood there staring for a minute before Harry came up to me and put his arm around my waist caustiosly with a cheeky smirk.

"Well now, finally! Sleeping beauty has awaken!"

I couldn't help but laugh and rolled my eyes at him before going to go sit next to Zayn. He still sat there and stared at me.

I gave him a wierd look before saying, "Zayn I think you've seen a girl before, I mean I know how amazing I must look having just woken up and all but there's no need to stare." I stood up and got a glass of water before turning back to him. "Seriously it's getting a little creepy." I sat back down next to him with a wink.

He rolled his eyes.

"Wow Em. It's amazing but you're the exact same you were three years ago." He paused a second before adding with a smirk, "That's too bad for us."

I slapped his arm. "Hey!"

He rubbed it with another smirk. "Just kidding Ems. And gosh, that hurt."

"Oh toughen up Zaynie." He frowned at my old nickname of his.

I rolled my eyes before standing up and sitting by Louis.

"Hey Lou!" I said cheerfully.

"Hey Em!" He matched my cheerfulness before tackling me in a bear hug.

"Lou...I... can't breath." I finally got out. Instantly he let me go with a smirk. "Sorry 'bout that love."

"Sure you are Lou. Now why are you guys so quiet? When you weere at my house I couldn't get you guys to shut up!" I took a sip of my water waiting for their answers.

"Well, I guess we're just still shocked to see you, that's all." Harry finally spoke up.

I looked his way before snapping my head in the direction of a yawn.

"Hey lads has Em waken up ye-..." Niall came out shirtless and stopped mid-sentence when he saw me.

I couldn't help but check out his toned stomach. Never thought Niall Horan would have such great abbs. Wow, I'm impressed.

I quickly looked back up at his eyes to show that I hadn't just been checking him out seconds before.

Niall had a bright pink blush covering his cheeks but he also wore that signiture smirk of his. Yup, I'd been caught.

I sighed before sitting back down.

Niall quickly turned around and came back the next minute with a shirt on.

Wait a second. Niall was wearing the shirt I got him for his fifthteenth birthday. It was a Justin Beiber shirt when Justin had that beiber haircut. It was a little small for him and was tight around his abdoman but I wasn't really complaining. I might hate this guy but he wasn't bad on the eyes. I couldn't help but smile at him actually keeping that old thing that had a million stains from all of the things I cooked for him over the next two years.

Niall seemed to notice me staring at the shirt and gave me a hopeful grin.

My smile immediatly vanished and I shook my head at him.

"Really Niall?" I paused. I cocked a brow and put my hand on my hip. "You really think that you can win me back by wearing an old shirt I got you and then think that everything can go back to normal!?"

I knew that was what he was hoping for. He might have left and forgotten about me, but I didn't forget. And I knew him.

Niall seemed shocked for a second before quickly composing himself and frowning.

"I wasn't trying anything Em. I was just-"

I cut him off mid-sentence. "First, don't call me Em. As we've already established, we aren't friends." Niall frowned even more at this before I continued. "And second, I know you Niall. You might have forgotten about me, but I didn't forget you."

Niall took a minute before stepping forward trying to look intimidating. Then smirked down at me. Clearly taking advantage of his clear height advantage.

"Then tell me how you would know if I was trying something, won't you love?"

I just realized that this chapter had alot of eye rolling in the beginning so sorry about that.

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