2 Just Another Lie

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Sorry I haven't updated in forever. my laptop broke and my stupid phone decided to stop working! But just got it fixed. And sorry if I mess up its on my phone.


Niall's going to the XFactor.

I still can't believe it. He'll be gone for weeks.

I know I was the one to push him to do this, but I just wanted him to follow his dreams.

I feel guilty for saying this but I wish I never said that now. I just don't know what I'm going to do without my best friend!? What if he forgets me? What if he changes? What if he lets fame get to his head? There's so many questions in my head, it hurts.

We're in his room right now while he's finishing packing.

Thinking of him changing like that and forgetting me, regretting every thing. A stray tear slips from my eye. I try to quickly wipe it away before Niall notices, but he beats me to it.

He wraps his arms gently around my waist.

"Hey, Emily?" He whispered while I cuddled into his arms, feeling that weird feeling in my stomach again. "Why are you crying, love?"

"I'm scared of what will happen. That when your famous, you'll change and forget about me." I mumbled honestly. Looking at my fingers which had suddenly become very interesting.

Niall sighed.

"You know I would never forget you." I could tell he was frowning.

"Niall," I sighed, "Now you say you won't forget me, but you never know. Anything can happen." Another tear slipped down my face. I didn't bother trying to wipe this one, knowing Niall would beat me to it again. He did.

He put two fingers under my chin, slowly pulling my face close to his.

I felt my breath hitch. As did his.

His pupils dilated and he sighed. He had a sad look in his usually bright blue eyes.

"I promise. I promise I will never forget you. I won't let fame get to my head. And I won't ever let you go."

He looked so serious when saying each word.

I knew I shouldn't trust his words. That everyone can easily change when they become famous. But, for once, I didn't think and I actually believed him completely.

After a moment of silence, I lightly smiled at him before saying, "We should probably finish your packing." I quickly pecked his cheek and got back up. I could've sworn I saw him blush a bright pink, but I shrugged it off.

After we were finished packing and were laying on his bed talking about pointless things we heard his mum yelling, "NIALL! EMILY! HURRY UP! WE HAVE TO CATCH THE PLANE!"

I guess it's time for him to leave. Atleast I get to drive him to the airport.

..........At the Airport.........

I was sobbing violently into Niall's chest while he quietly soothed me and brushed his fingers through my hair.

I could tell he was trying his hardest not to cry in front of me.

I finally looked up at him even though my makeup probably looked like a mess. "Niall?" I whispered. "Yes, love?" "What will happen i-if you do f-forget me?"

"Shh princess. shh. I promise I won't forget you and I'll call you every night. I promise baby girl"

I loved how he had little nicknames for me. He never called anyone those things except me. He always kept it plain and simple.

I smiled at him and he gladly retuned it, but it quickly disappeared when we heard, "FLIGHT 28A IS NOW BOARDING! I REPEAT FLIGHT 28A!" "I've gotta go but I'll call you when I get there I promise!" he said while running away, leaving me with silent tears streaming down my face.

.........Few weeks later...........

I knew he could do it.

Niall made it past the rounds but later got put into a group. They called themselves One Direction. Even though Niall wanted it to be called, "Niall and the Potatoes." He sure is something...

I even got to meet the boys which was great. We spent maybe two weeks together and we became pretty close.

But, Niall has been acting weird lately. At first we called, texted, and skyped every day and night. But, after a couple weeks his calls got less frequent, texts got shorter, and he honestly started to seem quite bored on Skype till he stopped skyping me altogether.

I know he was busy with One Direction and stuff. And I understand. I just don't know why he acts so dull around me now.

Niall never seemed the same now. First, it was once in a while that he would say he had to go to rehearse. then it started happening a lot more. I haven't gotten a more than two minute phone call with him in the last two weeks.

When I see his video diaries he seems like my best friend Niall But when I try to talk to him now, he comes up with lame exuses just to get off the phone.

I can tell now he's usually lying when he says he has to go practice or do vocal check. I can hear it in his voice. He was still my best friend.

What I was scared about was starting to happen. He was changing. That's just one more lie to the list he's told.

Like saying he would call every night.

"EMILY! COME DOWN FOR DINNER!" I heard my mom yelling from downstairs. "ONE SEC! JUST LET ME CALL NIALL REALLY QUICK!"

I always tried to call him every couple days. Just to hear his voice. Even if it was dull, it was still nice to hear it.

I typed his number and waited then I heard, "We're sorry but the person you are calling has changed to a new number." A voice said in mono-tone and then I hung-up.

He changed his number? And he never told me! I tried his skype but it said it had been deleted. He didn't have anything else besides that. I can't believe it. He cut me off.


It's been a month since Niall has cut me off. He still never contacted me but I still watched his video diaries and performances. No matter how mad I was at him, I still loved watching him preform.

They're actually pretty good.

The show ended and they got third! I'm surprised they didn't get first. Simons giving them a record deal though. I met him once, he was very nice. Intimidating. But nice.

Simon said, "Okay lads is there any friends at home you would like to say hi too?!" All of the boys started saying hi to they're family and friends but when it got to Niall, he said, "Hi mum, dad, Greg, and Tommy. Hope your proud!"

"Ni you sure that's everyone?" Liam said suggestively.

"Yeah." He shrugged. Liam sighed.

My heart dropped. I can't believe him.


"Hi mum, dad, Gregg, and Tommy. Hope your proud!"I didn't mention Em. But I couldn't. For her.

I guess now she's gone. She won't forgive me for breaking so many promises. But Ill never forget her. I lost the most important thing in my life. And now she's gone...

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