Kinda imporant?

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So like I haven't been on Wattpad in idk 2 or so years? I'm a senior now, and even though I'm pretty sure my writing has progressed any, maybe it'd be fun to finish up at least one story I started?

Idk, but I remember making this like a big priority in my mind and like really wanting to make good ass stories yah know? Anyways this probably won't make or break what I do but if anyone still cares if I continue this story maybe leave a comment?

(Literally the rest is a dumb rant that shouldn't be online but I wrote it for y'all so keep reading if yah wan)

And since I'm on here, and if I actually start writing again this'll be the first thing I delete, but I've been sick the past couple days and I was like fuck it yah know? I'd already finished the office for the 8th or whatever time and I really didn't have anything better to do with my time. And idk if I'm like too old or not old enough, considering how heated these stories can get😅, but since I haven't had an actual convo or even heard about Wattpad since sophomore year, I'm just wondering if and who still reads and does it yah know? Especially since it'd be nice to get back into the hang of it like I kinda missed it? In a wierd way? Like I used to read these ALL the time no joke and it's totally dumb to start again in the middle of my hardest semester ever but like who cares right?

So sorry for that rant and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna put some disclaimer up there bc the only important thing was in the first paragraph i think. Anyways I'm gonna go. But please don't judge my writing now that you know I'm a senior and not a fish bc if I'm being honest I'm pretty sure I went down hill since freshman year not up. Okay so bye (I used to say this and I want to mentally slap my 14-year old self but ) bye my lovelies🤘🏻

PS also super fast idk if this is a good thing to add or not but when I type I kinda just go with what I feel like doing and don't really plan anything (same thing that I used to do) and since it worked out okay then, I'm sorry if there's like spelling errors or like holes in the story and yeah, enjoy

And PPS y'all know what's kinda funny? I just realized after typing all that and posting it that 1D isn't together anymore? But like in my heart they'll always be one direction so who cares right

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