3 Now

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Hi guys. Apparently somehow the old chapter 3 appeared back in my drafts. So, I fixed a few things in it and I'm posting this and deleting the old chapter 3. So if you read the old one please read this one too! thanks


It's been 3 years now.

3 years since I've seen his blonde hair, his blue eyes, or heard his laugh. Well, three years in person. I see him everywhere. I mean how can't I? When he's apart of the biggest boy band in the world.

I guess it is pretty hard to have to have the constant reminder of him. He's never mentioned me. I'm pretty sure he wishes he never knew me now.

I took a year off from college just to try to be more independant. But even without Niall my life has been actually pretty good. I'm 19 in a great college (even though I took off a year), have the sweetest boyfriend, Matt, and a job in a great company.

I never forgot my dream of singing but seeing Niall like that I decided to just sticking to my singing nights at Rory's.

I was going to my friend Jake's house. He's pretty much my new best friend. Ever since Niall left he was there for me. He has dark brown curly locks and these gorgeous green eyes. He is the most down-to-earth guy I know. Besides Niall, but that changed a long time ago. But, anyways I would have a huge crush on him if we weren't so close! I guess I just have a things for guy best friends.

I'm meeting him with my other best friend Kat.

She has this long blonde hair and these icy blue eyes. She's actually pretty gorgeous. She has a ton of energy 24/7. I'm surprised she even sleeps.

Her and Jake don't get along very well. Only because they're total opposites.

"So Em." Kat said breaking my train of thought. "Yeah?" I asked her. "Are you still going to surprise Matt at his tonight?"

"Yes, Kat. I've told you a million times." I exaggerated. "It wasn't THAT many times. But, I was just wondering. Are we planning it right now?"

"Kat, you know how you have blonde hair?" I asked. "Yeahh, why?" I ignored her and continued, "And you know that you can actually act like a total blonde sometimes?" "I DO NOT!" She says defensively.

"Sorry babe. Ya know I love ya but it's da truth." I say chuckling.

"You know sometimes you can be so annoying." "Yeah yeah love ya too!" I yelled back while running ahead of her then I said, "Race ya!" and took off again. "NOOOO wait! I have heels on, remember!" she said whining behind me.

"Well that's your fault for wearing those death traps instead of actual shoes." I screamed back. I hate high heels. I mean, seriously.

"It's not my fault you don't have any actual style!" she whined back. She can be so annoying... "I do have style. I just don't always feel like dying." By now I had stopped so her and her little devils could catch up.

"Ugh you are hopeless. Lets just get to Jake's!"

......8 minutes later.......

"Oh finally!!! We're here no more walking!" She screamed running up to the door. "My feet are KILLING me!"

"Well that's what you get for wearing those lovely killers." I exclaimed.

"Once again you're hopeless Em." She screamed back barging through the door.

Once she flew through it I heard a loud "Humph" and a couple of groans from inside. When I got inside I burst out laughing from the sight infront of me. Kat was on the floor on top of a messy haired Jake. And I won't give details, but lets just say it looks like they just did it on the floor. I couldn't help it, before they got up I took out my phone and snapped a quick picture. They started giving me an evil glare.

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