1 Were

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"Emily." someone whined. "Wake up you little slut c'mon." Then he started jumping all over my bed. Niall.

"What do you want Niall!? I'm trying to sleep." I said looking at the blonde hair boy with one eye opened. "What." He exclaimed. "You can't sleep now." "And why is that Horan?" I sighed. Gosh I'm tired. "Because," he said, "it's my birthday. I'm turnig 16 remember. Gee, Em. You can be such a bad friend at times." He said with puppy dog eyes and a fake pout.

"Awe Niall!" I cooed.

"I'm sorry. Will you please forgive me?" I gave him my best pout and big eyes.

His upset expression imediatly softened when I did that.

"Em, you know I hate it when you do that."

"Now hurry up I'm STARVING!" He yelled the last part. "When aren't you?" I smirked. "Rude." he mumbled. "I'm just kidding Ni." I said following him. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyways make the king his food!" He stomped his foot.

"Sure. whatever you say your highness. What do you want?" I asked. "EVERYTHING!!!" He yelled. Stupid question. "Niall if I make everything you owe ME food." I said or well sorta demanded. "But, it's me birthday." He just had to pout with those stupid big eyes.

"Niall, stop. Oh. Fine. Only this once. Now go watch the telly or something so I can cook without you drooling all over the place."

"Ok!" He cheered and skipped out of the room.

I took the eggs and orange juice out of the fridge. Along with the butter, jam, penut butter, and frozen bacon. I started making some scrambled eggs and pancakes. Hmmm... what else. I took some toast and popped it in the toaster. Once I was done cooking I made a small buffet and yelled "NIALL! FOOD IS READY!!!" It took one second and Niall was through the door and scarfing down the food. That boy...

Once he was done eating Niall plopped down on the couch beside me. I was lost in thought when all of a sudden I feel myself being tickled.

"AHHH!" I screamed and laughed at the same time. I couldn't breath.

Then, there's a smirking Niall on top of me tickling the breath out of me. "Niall... I swear if... You don't... stop... right now... I will... NEVER... cook you anything... again!" I breathed out inbetween laughs. Niall stopped right away.

"You wouldn't!" He said eyeing me.

"Oh. I would!" I said smirking. Niall loved my food. But, he said I could never beat Nandos.

Niall just shook his head. "Fine." He grumbled. "Yay!" I screamed into his ear. Which caused him to fly off the couch and me to fall off on top of him from laughing so hard.

Once I realized what position I was in right on top of him and my face was inches from his. I felt a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach but quickly shook it off.

I tried to get up but Niall grabbed my waist and pulled me down onto his hard chest. Wow, I never noticed how fit he is. Niall smirked when he saw me checking him out and I just looked into those blue eyes. "Niall," I said, "can I please get up?" "Nope" he said popping the p. "I like this position. Shall we take it to the bed?" He said this with a cheeky smirk. I just stared at him in shock for a second then playfully smacked his chest. "Niall! You cheeky bastard!" He started laughing like crazy, "Sorry Em, but you should have seen your face!" He breathed out still laughing historically.

I rolled my eyes while getting off and away from him and his laughing fit.

Once he calmed down he climbed back onto the couch with me and we both were silent for a minute.

Then I spoke, "Niall?" "Hmm" he hummed still watching the telly. "Ive been thinking-" "Wow Em didnt know you did that." "Be quiet. Ive been thinking that you should try out for the XFactor." I said. He immediately turned to look at me. "What?!" he asked shocked. "You should try out for the XFactor. You have and amazing voice and I know you'll get in! Plus, it's your dream!"

He just sat there and stared at me like I was crazy then cleared his throat. "Only if you try out with me." He said with a sly smirk.

"Niall! You know I can't sing plusI still have to finish school. I can't be home schooled like you. I would hate it." I groaned. Niall huffed. Then smirked. "Actually I've never heard you sing. So I don't know." "Niall shush, this isn't about me."

"Fine." He huffed again. "But I doubt I would be good enough anyways." His smile disappeared and he stared at his lap.

"Niall!?" I exclaimed, shocked, "You have a great voice! They would be crazy not to let you in!"

He gave me a sad yet appreciative look and said, "Maybe, but I would miss you! and I know your mum won't let you skip any school for anything!"

"Niall, it will be fine! We've been best friends for 12 years! we'll skype, and text each other every night. Just don't forget me when your all big and famous!" Niall game me a shocked look. "Could I ever?! I would NEVER forget you! No matter how much I want to. And are you sure? I mean I would hate if we started to drift apart." He gave me a sad heartbreaking look.

"Niall, first gosh. And second we wouldn't drift apart!" I exclaimed.

"huh" he huffed. "Fine. I guess I'll think about it." "Yay!" I screamed and tackled him in a bear hug. With that we both broke out into another fit of giggles.

Were and Now // n.h.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant