8 Crashing Down

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while but I've been really busy with school. Since it's finally out I'll try to post a lot more. Ily ~M



"Then tell me how you would know if I was trying something, won't you love?"

I rolled my eyes at him and took a quick step back.

"Of course I would know Niall. I was your best friend for a big twelve years now wasn't I?" I took a small step forward while his smirk turned into a deep frown.

He sighed. "You don't know me anymore Em. I've changed since then. You can't keep thinking that I'm the same Niall cause I'm not. I'm not that same awkward guy I was three years ago and you need to get that through your head." He bit back harshly and I have to admit that kinda hurt.

I let out a sarcastic laugh covering it up. His head snapped in my direction. "Believe me Niall, I know you've changed. I wasn't best friends with a jerk." I spat out harsher then I'd meant to. His eyes widened and he looked taken aback for a moment before he pulled himself back together.

He took a step towards me while I took another one back. He stopped and just stood there and stared at me.

After about five minutes of this I was wandering when he'd finally talk and stop staring- which was actually getting kinda creepy- or if one of the lads would intervine. I took a quick glance around. "Yup. No chance in that happening." I mumbled to myself. Thankfully no one seemed to hear. The boys were just standing there staring at us like dogs.

I finally broke the uncomfortable silence- at least to me- and cleared my throat before standing up straight.

This seemed to bring Niall back from his staring state and he looked shocked for a moment before gently shaking his head and going back into the bunkroom. Slamming the door behind him as he left.

All of the boys stood there in silence. Some strange tension being lifted from the air.

"Well that was awkward." Louis said, breaking the still silence, before grabbing a piece of toast off my plate and taking a big bite.

"Hey that's mine!" I quickly reached for the piece of bread before tripping on Liam's gigantic foot and slamming right into Harry and onto the floor.


And Harry, being Harry, managed to grab the plastic plates and bring them down with us. I slowly tried to get up and rub my aching head but Harry didn't move off of me.

"If you don't mind could you get off of me." I groaned.

He got on his elbows and propped himself up before chuckling from above me. "Sorry love but I would sorta mind." He winked and gave me a cheeky grin.

"What the bloody hell was that!?" Niall came bursting through the bunkroom door but stopped short when his eyes landed on me and Harry.

"Just having a little fun mate. You know me and impressing the ladies by knocking down a dozen plates when they purposely run into me." Harry laughed at his own weird joke. At least I think it was.

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help and laughed a little. "Oh so thats what it was? By knocking down a dozen plates you were actually flirting with me?" I cocked a brow again at him. It seemed like he couldn't wipe that stupid grin off his face.

"Of course love. I'm not that clumsey." He rolled his eyes teasingly and quickly got up then helped me to my feet.

"I'd beg to differ." I mumbled while picking up the plates. But I guess he heard me. "Oh really?" Before I could turn around, Harry came up from behind and spun me around the kitchen, nearly making me kick Louis in the face.

Once he finally let me down we couldn't stop laughing. I don't know why but it seemed like Harry could always take an awkward thing and turn it into something extremely funny. Even if his jokes were corny and not funny in the least, he was a nice guy to have around.

Harry put his hand on my shoulder, still panting from our little fit. I looked up to see that Niall was still there in his same spot staring at us with some kind of emotion I can't explain dancing in his eyes. I'd never seen it before. It looked sorta sad yet... I can't really tell.

"I-I've gotta go. I'll talk to you lads later." He started heading for the door but stopped when he got tthere, turned around, and gave me a soft smile." Bye Ems." And with that he was out the door.

I couldn't help but let a small smile grace my lips. He hadn't called me Ems since we were twelve. God I miss those days.

"Was it just me or does Niall seem a little.. off today?" Zayn asked. They all nodded in agreement but I just shrugged it off. He did seem different, but he already said he'd changed.

"So." Louis said, changing the subject and turning to me." Do you, Em whatever your last name is, want to come with us to the Brits Awards being held tonight in the grand city of this here London?" He tried to act very royal like but failed when he flailed his arms and hit Liam square in the face and knocking the orangejuice onto his foot. I have to admit though, it was hilarious.

My eyes widened in surprise when I realized what he just asked. "Are you sure? Won't... you know ... there be some drama with Niall still?" I didn't want him to ruin something as great as this, but I'd rather stay away from Niall at all costs.

Louis quickly shook his head. "No love. You'll be with us, but you don't even have to talk to him. C'mon it'll be fun!"

"But-" I started.

Harry stepped forward. "No buts Em. You're coming and thats final." He talked as if he was talking to a spoiled little kid but I guess it did the trick.

I sighed in defeat. "Fine."

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