Moving day

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This is more of a introduction to the OC in this story.

"Leah Sonseeahray Scamander! You haven't started packing yet! You do realize your due in Dumbledore's office in 3 hours via floo" mother yelled from downstairs. Our home had been linked to the headmasters floo since my approval into the exchange program. I wished I could take the train like everyone else. Dropping directly into the headmasters office was not my ideal plan for my arrival at Hogwarts.

I stood up from my desk pushing all of my books into my trunk. I had placed an expansion charm on it in hopes that this would be a permanent move. "Mom, I'm finishing packing now" ...lie...

I was nowhere near done. It was times like these that I was thankful for Moms sage tea that made mindreading impossible. It was a recipe she developed the first time someone tried ligilemency on her. She always believed ligilemency was an extreme invasion of privacy and did not allow it in the house.

I had read and reread every piece of reference material I could find related to hogwarts and the English ministry. I found A History of Hogwarts helpful in answering most of my questions. Being a Scamander provided me enough information over the years to be comfortable in the English wizarding world. Dad and Pops were able to answer any questions I couldn't answer with books. They both spent their school years at Hogwarts and spoke fondly of the experience.

Dad had taken up Pops research on the thunderbird once he graduated. This is how Dad met Mom. He had sought out the native tribes of the Americas that still existed. He knew the natives had legends about the thunderbird, hell, even the no-maj believed they existed in those circles.

A sudden noise pulled me out of my thoughts. I look over to see my niffler rummaging through my desk and pocketing all of the small golden paper clips that littered my desktop. Laughing, I turn around to get back to the mountain of packing before me. I proceed to pack my robes, cauldrons, and other supplies that had been "owl" ordered based on the headmasters list sent over months prior. Thank creator for magic. Just as I was starting to pull clothes from my closet, my mothers familiar steps started traipsing up the stairs.

"Hello love, I packed you some snacks" she paused for a moment. "Leah, you are not even halfway packed, let me help you". She pulls out her wand, and with a few muttered charms and a flick of the wrist it was done. Everything in my room levitated and found its own way into my trunk. It reminded me of the scene in the Disney movie The Sword in the Stone where Merlin was putting everything in his bag. I couldn't help but hum the little song from the movie.

Again, thank creator for magic. "Thanks mom" I said picking up my niffler.

Pops burst through the door holding a fist full of rubarb (rhiannon's favorite snack). "You must pack some of Rhiannon's snacks to hold her over until you can find some at school". Pops always had a soft spot for nifflers, especially mine since she was the spawn of the one he cared for for so many years. "Thanks Pops!" I say, wrapping my arm around him and pulling him into a huge hug.

Pops pulled back holding my face in his calloused hands, " Remember never worry love". I smile back at him and quip, "because worrying means you suffer twice".

From the door my Dad says, "Leah it's about time we get your trunk downstairs. We've also made your favorite food for dinner, unless you aren't hungry".

Mom is now howling with laughter as she smacks Dad across the backside, "Johnathan, the day that child doesn't want my cooking will be the day I let your Dad's creatures loose in my house".

It had been an undertaking all in itself to convince my mother to let me keep the niffler Pops gave me for my 5th birthday. She hated when her spoons came up missing.

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