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Even in the green glow of the common room, her eyes stand out. They own a hue all their own.

I've been sitting in the dark corner of the common room. I had come down to read after the "situation" Pansy caused up in the girls dormitory.

My mind keeps rewinding back to her lips lightly grazing my cheek. I can still hear the water slowly dripping from her body behind me. If I had slightly shifted...I am better than that though.

She is intoxicating. Really.

A sudden hush came across the room. Pansy and Leah are walking down into the common room. God she looks spectacular in my clothes. I might actually have to thank that oaf in the big office for not managing to get her trunk here.

Thankfully, she cannot see me from my vantage point. I wasn't ready to revisit the awkward shower scenario. However, another kiss would be agreeable.

Next time, I will return that kiss.

She grabs a drink and goes to sit with the others by the fire. Im listening to her reveal the details of her life, where she is from, her beliefs, and aspirations.

There is a ear splitting scraping noise Theo is moving his chair closer to her, literally hanging on her every word. Theo does not get to be that close to her. I decide to jump into his mind, it is a habit of mine when I get bored.

He is trailing his hands over her body. Kissing down her neck. She is moaning his name. 

Ok...that was a mistake.

Before I know what I'm doing, I'm halfway across the room and stepping between her and Theo. Her knee gently brushed against mine as she shifts to the side. Heat starts rising in my chest and a blush slowly creeps up my neck.

I immediately agree with whoever just asked for a story, I think it was Theo, but I'm not sure. She tells us about the story of the morning star.

As she finished the story, I straighten up and ask about her name in relation to the story. Her name is beautiful. To my utter surprise she tells me there's a story about the constellation I was named after. I can't wait to hear that story. Mostly, it's an eagerness to hear her voice again.

We all finish off our drinks and head to our own beds to get some rest before classes start tomorrow. As I lay in bed, I can't help but see her eyes. The swirling green flames that I know one day will consume me.

I settle in my bed listening to Pansy and the other girls gossip about boys, teachers, and clothes they couldn't wait to buy. Laying in my bed, I can't help but notice the scent of sandalwood and mint that now surrounds me.

He really does smell good.

I can't believe I'm developing a school girl crush, that is most definitely not what I'm here for.

I get up early the next morning to see my trunk has finally arrived. Grabbing clean clothes for the day, I head towards the bathroom. After getting ready, I make my way down to the common room to get someone to show me back to the great hall for breakfast. Reaching the bottom of the stairs I see Draco sitting by the fire. Well, who better I guess.

"Um, hey Draco. Would you mind going with me to the great hall so I can grab some breakfast before DADA". He stands, grabbing his books and reaches out to take mine, "sure, no problem". He has the most stern look on his face as he is holding out his hand for my books. Obviously he won't walk until I give them to him. "Sorry to be a trouble, I'm a bit directionally challenged". He lets out a howl, "YOU'RE WHAT?!?". Repeating myself, "I'm directionally challenged, I get lost easy". He continues to laugh the rest of the way to the great hall.

After eating breakfast, we head towards the DADA classroom. Upon entering the pepto-bismol lady is sitting behind the desk. I take a seat next to Draco at the table in the back of the classroom. She starts explaining how we would not be needing our wand, a theoretical knowledge of defensive spells would be sufficient. Draco suddenly flinches in his seat, dropping his head into his hands and massaging his temples.

I can't believe this woman is not going to teach actual defensive spells this year. Mum said this bitch would fuck things up this year. I don't know how this will go. Looking over at Ray, I can help but dread having to explain my situation to her.
What will she think of me?
Will she understand?
Will she believe the same?
Will she help?

I'll owl mom this evening to see what she thinks. I know the longer I hide this, the less likely Leah will give me a chance to explain. Lucius cannot find out about the truth, and it's getting harder to keep him in the dark.

DADA is finally over. Leah leaves with Pansy, something about starting a movie marathon. I head down the corridor towards the owlry.

I've met someone, she's fantastic. Her name is Leah Sonseeahray Scamander. I want to tell her. I believe she will take our side. Before you ask, no we are not involved. I believe she would make a good ally. Legilimency does not work on her. I'm not sure why, but it could prove useful. I also do not believe she is an occlumens. I await your response.


My owl takes off. All that was left to do now was wait for her response. It was important that I consult with Mum on this. I needed her to dig through her resources to find out about Leah's blood status. Not that I care, but Lucius will. We need to know if we will have to lie about her status. Her being a pure blood would make this easier, but I'd lie for her if needed to.

Hell, I'd burn the city down just to show her the lights.

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