Merlin's Fucking Beard

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Its the day of the wedding. We spent the last four nights apart. I did not sleep well. The bed was cold without her. Leah had spent the last four nights with her father. I knew she needed this time with him. I was concerned for her. She raced through my every thought. I wanted to hold her to me. I wished I could take the pain away. More than anything I wished her mother was still here.

I go downstairs to the kitchen. Mum is standing at the table giving orders to the house elves. I turn to them, "Don't forget to take up breakfast for the Scammanders. Oh, and Leah likes coffee in the morning, not tea. No sugar, just the carmel creamer that's in the icebox. Make a conscious effort to actually remember this time."

The house elf nods its head, bows, and starts off towards the kitchen. "So mum, what am I suppose to do today? I feel kinda lost right now. How can this be a happy day when we will be surrounded by deatheaters, the dark lord, and most of all how can I ask this of her after loosing her mother no more than a week ago. "

"Your father spent our wedding day drinking. But I'm sure that's not appealing to you. Why don't you start with breakfast. Remember dear, there will be a time when the darkness ends."

I slump down into the nearest chair. "I think I'm going to head to Diagon Alley after breakfast. I need to pick up Leah's wedding present. They owled this morning saying it is finished."

Mum smiled and placed a kiss on the top of my head. "My sweet Draco. Make sure to return by three so you have plenty of time to get ready."

"Right Mum, I'll head out now." I gulp down the remaining coffee in my cup. Slinging my coat over my shoulders I head toward the fireplace. Grabbing the floo powder and throwing it, "Diagon Alley".

I wake up screaming. "MOM WHERE ARE YOU!" Dad is now in my face. He places my hands on his chest. "Breath with me Leah. Slow your breathing."

"Where is Draco? I need Draco." Narcissa must have heard me screaming. She comes barreling through the door wand raised, searching the room. "Merlins fucking beard, what happened?"

"Nothing Narcissa. Leah had a nightmare. She is asking for Draco now, do you know where he is?"

Narcissa signs and lets go of some of the tension in her body. "He left just moments ago. He had an errand he wanted to run this morning. I assure you he will return soon love."

Panic sets in again. I feel my breathing become quick, "No, No, No. Where is he?  Something has happened to him. Why wont you tell me where he is?" I immediately rub my fingers across my ring, screaming at the little dragon, "Draco where are you! I-cant-breath"

That was the last thing I remember before everything went black.

Im leaving the shop in Diagon Alley when my ring burns red. The dragon on my hand bites down harder than I have felt before.

Shit, what's happening.

I apparate back to the manor. Mum is waiting at the door. "Draco she is panicking. She thinks something has happened to you and that we are all lying to her. She blacked out."

I start running through the manor. I clear four steps at a time as I head up the stairs. Bursting into the room I see her laying on the bed. Johnathan is sitting next to her. "Johnathan, I am sorry I left. I assumed she would sleep until I returned. I only stepped out to pick up her gift."

"My dear boy, never fret. She will wake soon. I think you need to be the first person she sees. The thought of you missing is what caused the blackout....I will leave you to it then....I need to speak with your mother anyway."

I simply nod my head and sit next to her on the bed. I place her head in my lap and start stroking her hair. "Love, please wake up. Please wake up. I love you so much. Im here. Im here with you love. My beautiful morning star, please wake up. Please-please."

She slowly shifts below my touch. "Merlin Leah! Are you ok? How do you feel? Do you need anything? Let me get you some water?"

Leah smiles at me, placing her hand on my jaw. "You are here. I am so sorry I lost my mind love. I couldn't process or understand why you would be gone. Before anyone could explain, I blacked out."

"Do. Not. Apologize. Leah you need to rest. We still have hours before we have to get ready. Please rest."

Her breath audibly hitches. "I will only rest if you promise to be here when i wake up. I do not know that I would fare well waking up alone."

"Leah I promise to be here when you wake up. I will not leave." I sink into the bed next to her allowing her to place her head on my chest. I begin stroking her hair again, drawing circles on the shaved section on the back of her head. She slowly drifts off to sleep. I conjure a book to read while she naps.


Reaching the bottom of the stairs I head towards the kitchen. I know this is where Narcissa is, perks of being a werewolf now I guess. I can locate people by scent.

Narcissa looks up from the table. I sit in the chair next to her. "Narcissa, we need to talk."

"Ok Johnathan. What is wrong?"

I rub my fingers around my temples. "Leah is pregnant."

Narcissa spits tea across the room. "What? How? Nevermind I know how. How do you know? Did she tell you something?"

I sigh, "ok, hear me out. I can smell the child. When it was just me and her in the room I could smell another person I'd never smelled before. When she would leave so would the scent. She was also sick the last two mornings. That's why she was awake so early."

Narcissa seems to be deep in thought. "Ok. Well. Yea. Right then. Merlins fucking beard. I should have known. I know someone that knew I was pregnant before I did, for the very same reason. Ok, how do we tell her."

"Thats what I wanted to talk to you about Narcissa. This would be a conversation I would usually have her mother aid me in having. I wanted to know if you will help me. Having beared a child yourself, you might be able to answer some questions that I do not have the answer to. For obvious reasons."

She chuckles a bit at that. "Oh Johnathan I will help. It shouldn't have been necessary to ask."

"Good. Thank you. I figure we should tell her when she wakes up. You know. Before the rest of the followers return."

Narcissa nods in agreement."Right. Well would you like some lunch while we wait for her to wake up?"

"Yes Narcissa, that would be nice."

"By the way Johnathan. Family calls me Cissy."

"Very well Cissy."

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