Good Evening Bellatrix

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We walk up to the cabinet and mutter the incantation to open the passage. First to step out in my Aunt. She runs over to me and kisses me on the cheek. Her eyes immediately flick over to Leah. "Well hello. You must be the witch my Draco is so infatuated with. It is nice to meet you. The Dark Lord does speak fondly of you. Lets begin the entertainment for the evening, shall we?" Leah's eyes turn to mine as she takes Aunt Bellas hand and waits in the corner for everyone else to join us.

Next through is my father. "Draco, lovely work with the cabinet. I was not sure that you could manage it." He walks over to Leah, "You love, just might be what Draco needed to finally apply himself." He traces his finger along her chin, "such a lovely young witch."

How dare he fucking touch her like that. He will pay for this one day, one day soon he will answer to me.

Leah finally speaks, "Mr. Malfoy a pleasure to see you again. I am grateful for your arrival, this will be a night for celebration. The one of many wins for the Dark Lord."

She's bloody brilliant.

We make our way through the school. Everyone begins to split up. Leah and I knew what our task was for this evening. We make our way to the astronomy tower. As we round the last few steps I hear Dumbledore. He sounds like he is talking to someone.

Entering the top of the tower Dumbledore finally comes into view. Without turning he says, "Good evening, Draco, Leah. What brings you two here on this fine, spring evening?" Draco asks who else is up here since we heard him talking to someone.

Dumbledore lets out a slight chuckle "I often talk aloud to myself. I find it extraordinarily useful. Have you been whispering to you yourself, Draco? Draco, you are no assassin."

Draco is shaking. I place my hand against the small of his back. He leans into the touch and says "How do you know what I am?! I've done things that would shock you!"

Dumbledore take a step towards us "Like cursing Katie Bell and hoping that, in return, she would bear a cursed necklace to me? Like replacing a bottle of mead with one laced with poison? Forgive me, Draco, but I cannot help feeling these actions are so weak that your heart couldn't really be in them."

Draco decides in this moment to reinforce our cover. "He trusts us! I was chosen!" He screams this as we both show our dark marks to him.

Dumbledore shakes his head, raising his wand towards me, "I shall make it easy for you..."

"Expelliarmus!" Draco screams. Dumbledors wand flies out of his hand. "Very good, very good." The door to the tower swing open,  "You're not alone? There are others? How?"

Draco explains, "The Vanishing Cabinet in the Room of Requirement. I've been mending it."

Dumbledore appears to ponder his response "Let me guess; It has a sister? A twin?."

Draco is still shaking, "At Borgin & Burke's. They form a passage."

Dumbledore begins playing with the hem on the sleeves of his robe, "Ingenius. Draco, years ago, I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices. Please let me help you."

Tears begin running down Dracos face, "I don't want your help! Don't you understand? I have to do this! I have to kill you! Or he's going to kill me..."

Bellatrix and a group of death eaters are now standing around us. Bellatrix speaks, "Well, look what we have here. Well done, Draco!"

"Good evening, Bellatrix. I think introductions are called for."

Bellatrix takes the other side of Draco wrapping her fingers into mine behind Draco's back. "Love to, Albus, but I'm afraid we're on a bit of a tight schedule." She leans into his ear, "Do it!"

Fenrir steps into view, "He doesn't have the stomach... just like his father. Let me finish him in my own way."

Bellatrix snaps at Fenrir, "No! The Dark Lord was clear; The boy's to do it. This is your moment. Do it! Go on, Draco! NOW!"

Snape steps forward and in his low voice drawls out a slow "No."

Dumbledore looks at Snape, "Severus....Please." I knew this was the moment that the order had planned.

Snape raises his wand, "Avada Kedavra!" The spell hits Dumbledore square in the chest. He flies over the railing and falls to the ground below. We exit the tower and leave the castle.

Leaving the castle Aunt Bella has Leah locked into her side. Potter runs up behind us screaming at Snape, "He trusted you!"

Leah spins on her heels and hexes Potter. She is looking down on him now, "I told you once before Potter that you had made a mistake in more than one way. You are doing it again you daft idiot."

She kicks him in the side and rejoins us. Aunt Bella is the first to speak, "Brilliant love. I couldn't have picked a better match for my favorite nephew."

Leah accepts the compliment and hugs into her side once again.

This witch knows how to play a part. She could have fooled the best of them.

Aunt Bella slings Leah into me as she casts a spell into Hagrid's hut sending it ablaze. As she is cackling into the night, I decide it is now time for us to take our leave. I grab Leah apparating us back to the manor.

Entering the house mother is the first to greet us. "My dearest, how did it go?" I take her into ny arms whispering in her ear, "according to plan." She sighs into me and turns to Leah. "Dear I've received your letters. I am so happy to see you both well."

Suddenly the Dark Lord rounds the corner into sight. "Ah Draco, it is done then?" I bow slightly, "Yes my lord, it is done. Severus made the final blow, but it is done. I disarmed him and Severus cast the final spell."

The Dark Lord gave a half smile, "Well done Draco. I knew I could rely on you in this task." He turned towards Leah, "I must commend your efforts in aiding Mr. Malfoy this year. Oh, and congratulations on your upcoming wedding." I heard him mutter something in Leahs direction under his breath. It was barely audible, he immediately turned and exited the room.

What was that?

*sorry for the short chapter. The next one will be better.

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