Blood Magic

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I woke up this morning not sure if I really heard what he said or if it was a dream. Did he tell me he loved me and wanted to marry me.

Had it been any other person, I would have been terrified at the thought of marriage this early in a relationship. Hell, we hadn't even made anything official yet. I guess since we were sleeping together it was pretty much a given. I hear Draco still slightly snoring behind me. He slept all night holding me close to his chest. I decided to lay there a while, he needed to sleep.

There's a sudden shift behind me as the arm across my waist pulls me in tighter. "Hmm I could get use to this love." Well he is awake now.

I roll over to face him. He pulls me close placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. "Draco it's Saturday, do you want to go out or stay in?" He pauses for a while before answering, "let's go out and get a butterbeer. We can stop in Honeydukes as well."

Great, I can get some shopping done for Draco's birthday.

I leave him in his dorm to get ready as I head to mine to grab new clothes and do something with the mess of hair on my head. As I grab the doorknob to my room I hear Pansy round the corner, "oooooo, where was miss Scamander last night? I dropped by to gossip about the astronomy tower, but gave up waiting around 12. Looks like someone is walk of shaming it this morning."

I roll my eyes at the girl. "First, yes, I spent the night. Second, I'm just grabbing a change of clothes then I'm on my way out. Third, no walk of shame." Pansy looks at me and mutters something about the two of us being insufferable, and no good gossip.

Laughing I run into the room. I call out to Pansy when I notice she isn't following, "are you not going to come in here and help me decide what to wear!?!" Pansy almost trips over herself, rushing into the room. She runs to my closet and starts digging.

She grabs a pair of skinny jeans, a low cut long sleeve t-shirt, and one of my Stevie Nicks shawls. I grab my favorite boots and start out the door. Pansy follows fussing with my hair, wrapping loose strands around my bun.

Draco is waiting for me. As I hit the landing into the common room. I swear his jaw hits the floor. Mission accomplished.

He grabs me by the waist, "you look absolutely stunning. You ready to go?" I nod and we make our way to Hogsmeade. First stop, Honeydukes.

Draco drags me around the store explaining what each thing was, explaining that peppermint straws were his favorite. That's why he smells like mint all the time.

He proceeds to buy almost one of everything since I said I didn't know what any of it was.

As we sit in The Three Broomsticks drinking our butterbeer, Pansy and Blaise come strolling in. Draco looks to Pansy and says, "hey, I'm glad you are here. Do you mind keeping Leah company while Blaise and I go take care of some business?" Looking to me, "love I'm sorry to ditch, it'll only be for about 20 minutes and I'll be right back."

I nod, "that's fine."

Looking to Pansy and hoping for an explanation, she just shrugs her shoulders as if to say I dunno. I explain that I know everything. Pansy says she is thankful to finally have a girl to talk to about all of this.

Sure enough after about 20 minutes both guys come strolling in the pub laughing. I need to do some shopping, so me and Pansy claim we want some more girl time and the guys head back to the castle.

We enter a shop that Pansy says will surely have something for Draco. I immediately notice it smells like the cologne he wears.

About 10 minutes later, I find myself at a cabinet full of silver jewelry. Looking through each piece, I find a perfect ring. It has a thick silver band, on top sits a square cut stone. I have plans to charm it once I get it back up to my dorm.

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