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We are going back to the manor this evening. Today is Leah's birthday. To be honest, I was happy to be going back to my bed, in my home. The break from the madness was nice, but home is home.

There is a party planned for Leah after lunch today. The Weasley clan is coming, along with the rest of the order.

Thank creator we are going home today. I am not going to lie, Molly's cooking was fantastic, but I was ready to be home. The constant fussing over me has become a little overbearing. The normally cool and calm Mooney has even worked himself into a tizzy.

The marauders moved to the edge of their chairs everytime I entered the room. Draco followed me around step for step all day long. The golden trio even seemed to be watching my every movement.

Dad has made a few trips here to meet with Moony. They seemed to have become really good friends. He said he would be spending his moon cycles here. The marauders had basically adopted him. Having another "good" werewolf around seemed to help Moony with his habit of self loathing.

I make my way down to the kitchen. Molly will probably be making breakfast. "Good morning dear. Take a seat, breakfast will be done soon. How are you feeling?"

"Oh I am fine Molly. Orion kept me up all night. He is either kicking like crazy or standing on my bladder."

Molly slides a plate to me and sits down with her own. She smiles, "ah yes. Fred and George loved to stand on my bladder. Merlin, I think they waltzed on it sometimes."

I laughed out loud. Draco walks over, "what did I miss?"

"Oh nothing but discussing babies waltzing on bladders."

He looks a little confused and gives a small laugh. "Darling, I need to run to Diagon Alley. I will return in about an hour."

"Thats fine love, I will be fine here. You have managed to get the entire house to be as obsessive as you are." I laughed as he smirked and rolled his eyes.

"Leah, I am not the one that caused the obsession."

I turn to him and giving a glare, "Oh yea, it was YOUR son."

He gasps, "oh, so he is my son when he is being difficult?"

"Yes, Draco Lucius Malfoy. Difficult, like father, like son."

Molly is in stitches, "Oh Merlin, you two are going to kill me! Yes Draco, the children are always the fathers when they misbehave."

Arthur walks around the corner, "Draco, son, accept defeat."

"Fine, fine, I'm heading out. I will return shortly. Be safe love, you know how to reach me if needed." He gestured towards the ring and stepped into the floo.

I make my way to the florist to pick up Leah's birthday gift. My next stop would be to pick up tea and her favorite sweets. Naturally, I would get a 1/2 kg of cinnamon balls.

"Hello Mr. Malfoy. Your order is ready. What a lovely arrangement. Is it for your mother?" The lanky blonde behind the count leans forward, batting her eyelashes.

"No, these are not for Narcissa, these are for my Wife." Emphasizing the last word, I grab the box and throw the money on the counter.

As I exit the store the clerk laughs, "hmm, Draco Malfoy, married? Laughable, honestly."

If I didn't have other places to be I would have hexed her. I make the rest of my stops and head back to Grimmauld Place.

The entire house is in an uproar as I enter. Music is blasting through the house. Naturally it is Stevie Nicks. I place my packages on the table and go to the kitchen to help Molly.

Leah is in the kitchen, sitting on the counter. Padfoot and Molly are making the cake for the party.

"Leah, care to explain how you got onto the counter?" I laugh when she blushes.

"Love, I wanted to help but Molly said I couldn't stand for that long. Padfoot lifted me up here. Now I can sit and help."

I smirk, "Always the one to find a loophole."

Draco walks up and stands against the counter between my legs. I start playing with his hair, twirling strands around my finger.

Draco starts tracing slow circles across my knee caps. Orion suddenly kicks hard. "Damn Leah, I felt that against my back. Did that hurt?"

"No love, not really."

Padfoot walks by looking at Draco, "get waddles off the counter, we need the space for the mountain of food Molly has made."

"HEY! Padfoot, you call me waddles one more time and I will turn you into a Chihuahua."

He flashes a smile at me, "you wouldn't! Besides, Prongs would save me."

Prongs laughs, "honestly Padfoot, I'd let you stay a tiny pocket dog. Maybe Tonks could carry you around in a purse."

The two men start wrestling in the kitchen floor. Molly shrieks, "Everyone out of the kitchen!!!"

Draco pulls me down from the counter and we walk out into the garden where the others are playing quidditch. "Love, go play. I'll sit here with Mione."

"No darling, I would rather sit here with you." He places a kiss against the base of my neck.

"Well, if you are going to stay, sit behind me and hold your son. My back hurts."

He takes his place. Sitting behind me, he lifts the weight from my back. "Creator....that's wonderful."

Mione leans over, "Come on you two. Don't go giving her an orgasm in the backyard. Harry had to witness that once already."

Draco almost chokes, "Ahh, so he is not only into voyeurism, but he also likes to tell everyone about it." Laughter vibrates through his chest as Mione spews tea through her nose.

Molly yells from the house, "ok you lot, get inside. The food is ready!"

We enter to a mountain of food and a cake that looks like it could feed a small army. Well, Ron does eat like half an army himself.

Draco runs to the table and returns with a few boxes. "Here love, open your gifts."

The first box contained my pound of cinnamon balls. The second was a large box of my favorite tea. When I opened the third box I gasp. It was a large bouquet of roses and sunflowers. The difference was, these were made of silver and gemstones.

"Draco, they are beautiful! How do they smell so good? Do they have perfume on them?"

"No love, they are charmed to smell like real flowers. They will be that way forever." He smiled when I buried my face in the large bouquet.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, you never cease to amaze me. Thank you so much darling!"

Everyone else passed over their presents. I really wish everyone had not made such a big thing out of my birthday.

I received a collection of things either for me or Orion. Im not going to lie, I am excited to try out the prank that Fred and George developed for me. I will have to give it a go when we get home.

We all settled around the table. The amount of food I consumed was outrageous. I was so full, I was miserable. The order members left and the remaining people all settled into the sitting room.

Padfoot sat at the piano and started playing. I sprawled across Draco's lap and listened to the melody fill the room. Before long, I had fallen asleep while Draco slowly messaged my forehead.

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