I Love You

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I turn to her, her once piercing hazel eyes shifting to that familiar storm of green. "Why do your eyes change color?" She takes another step towards me, "they change based on what I'm feeling. Hazel for anger, sadness, nervousness, and fear. Green for happiness, joy and love."

Ok so there's that.

"what about the me not being able to read your mind?"

She shifts her body to lean against the wall, "well my mother never believed that should be allowed. She started experimenting on how to stop it. She ended up making this sage herbal tea. She asked dad to read her mind after drinking it and he couldn't. Since that day, we have all drank the tea every morning."

Taking her hands in mine I say, "that is great. I have a request, feel free to say no. Would you mind making some for my mum? She is not the best at occulemency, she only learned when she decided to leave Lucius. She is always worried that she will slip up. I can help you make it, if you will show me how."

"Yes Draco, anything to help you and your mother." She shifts forward, reaching up, and placing her hand on my cheek. Looking in her eyes I feel myself leaning into her touch. I glance from her face to her lips. Crossing those last excruciating inches that separate us, I place my lips on hers.

She's warm, the scent of sage, intoxicating. She returns my kiss, running her fingers through my hair.

Wrapping one arm around her waist, I sneak the other up her body to her neck. I run my tongue along her bottom lip, encouraging her to deepen the kiss.

The tower melts away and I get lost in her. We only pause when the door to the astronomy tower opens to show a wide eyed, grinning Pansy. "Jesus you two, get a room. I came to tell you that Umbridge has been taken by the centaurs....anyway, I'll let you two get back to whatever it was you were doing."

Merlin, Pansy always had to make an appearance at the most inconvenient times. I look over to see Leah, now blushing from her neck to her forehead. She's beautiful. "Alright we still have some things to discuss, maybe meet me in my dorm. We can avoid anymore, interruptions."

"Ok, I'll meet you in your room in 30 minutes. I want a shower and a change of clothes." I nod, following her down the astronomy tower steps and into the corridor. I reach down, grabbing her hand and pulling her to me as we walk. She chuckles and leans into me as we continue walking. This naturally gets a few side glances from the students in the halls.

We reach the common room and head our separate ways. Opening the door to my room, I cast a spell to clear the scattered books and parchment that rests on every surface. Grabbing a green apple from the basket, I settle into the couch facing the fireplace. I see the latest letter from my mum laying on the coffee table.

My Dearest Draco,

This girl you have inquired about does indeed have a pure blood status as far as I can tell. Her father is a pure blood for sure. Her mother on the other hand has pure blood magic as far back as the record shows. Her ancestry line predates our written record. So, as far as your father and the Dark Lord would be concerned, she is a pure blood witch. I know you have told her everything by now. I do want to invite her to our home for the first two weeks of summer. We will be celebrating your birthday during this time. The others will not be here after the failed raid on the ministry. Your father included. The Dark Lord has called everyone away for regrouping and planning. Feel free to invite your friends over as well. I love you very much darling and await your return to me.

Love your Mum

As I finish the letter the door to my room creeps open. She is standing there in my sweatpants, and a shirt with a woman on it. It says Rhiannon across the front. I stare into her eyes, "Evening love." She strides across the room dropping in the seat next to me. "Evening my love" she quips back.

my love. So possessive, anyone else I would hexed into oblivion. I'm not one to be owned.

No, she indeed, owns me. I was right, she has consumed me.

"Ok, so back to our conversation. I wanted to ask you where you stand on this situation. Do you want to join us? Blaise, Pansy, and Theo are all in on this as well." She looks to me, clearly weighing the options. I didn't expect her to give an immediate response, I'd be worried if she had. She slowly looked to me, "I'm in, when do I take the mark? How do we do this?"

"Woah woah, who said anything about you taking the mark? We can do this without that extreme step. Also my mother wants to meet you now that you know everything."

Leah leans in, "if I do this, I'm all in. If I don't take the mark, it will be difficult for us to keep the charade going."

I hated that she was right. Looking to her left arm I notice the large tattoo of a thunderbird sitting there. Merlin, it is larger than I expected. The thunderbird has its wings spread. I find myself wandering where they would put her mark.

"Ok, so we will discuss logistics of that on a later date. My mother does want to see us for the first two weeks of summer." I hand her the letter to read. She pauses, "your birthday is coming up?"

She's unbelievable, after everything she has experience tonight she focuses on the part about my birthday. "Yes love, my birthday is June fifth. By the way I know you are a Taurus, when is your birthday?" She looks down at her palm and smiles, "so observant Mr. Malfoy. It is April 20th."

Oh Mr. Malfoy. That rolls off her lips so well.

For merlins fucking sake, her birthday is next week. I can't believe I've been so wrapped up in everything that I hadn't noticed her birthday would be approaching. I wrap my arm around her, pulling her into my side. Stroking her arm I look down, "love stay with me tonight, don't worry I'm not asking for more than sleep. I just feel incomplete without you near me."

She looks at me, "Sure, I'll stay the night. Shall we go to bed then, it's getting late?"

I stand up, pulling her with me. We make our way to my bed and I pull the duvet back. She slides in, I follow behind her and wrap my arms around her waist pulling her into me. Burying my head into her hair, I take in her intoxicating scent. Her breathing becomes slower, soft murmurs escaping her lips as she drifts off to sleep. I follow not far behind.

Just before sleep overtakes me, I whisper to myself, "I love you more than you know. The last few months without you has been torture. One day, I will make you Mrs. Malfoy."

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