Newt Scammander

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Im suddenly pulled from sleep by the smell of strong coffee. I pull on my robe that was resting on the chair next to the bed. Shuffling downstairs I find Draco in the kitchen pouring coffee.

He looks up, "Good morning love. There are muffins on the table. I will bring you some coffee. Its decaf."

"Thanks my love."

I take a seat at the table and slowly sip at the coffee Draco handed me. He slowly sinks to his knees on the floor next to me. He rests his hands on my thighs. Leaning in he places the softest kiss on my stomach.

"Draco, what on earth are you doing?"

He places a hand on my stomach and begins rubbing in circular motion. "Well, I am saying good morning to my two favorite people." He leans his face down towards my stomach again, "Isn't that right."

I cannot help but internally giggle a bit. He is so incredibly cute sometimes. Ill never tell him he is cute, but he is.

"Draco, what time are we leaving for America?"

He stand up and takes the seat opposite me at the table. "Well, I sent word to your dad this morning. He will meet us here at 11 and we will be apparating to your childhood home then. I figure traveling together would be best."

"Ok love, let me go upstairs and pack. Would you like me to pack your things?"

Draco shot up from his chair, "No love, I will do the packing. You just tell me what you need. Mum said you should not be doing a lot of heavy lifting."

"Draco, I highly doubt a little packing qualifies as heavy lifting."

He headed towards the stairs, "oh well. You cant do it if I get there first."

"Creators sake Draco!" I get up and follow him upstairs. We spent the next two hours discussing what needed to be packed.

I heard a pop come from our front lawn. Looking out the window I see Johnathan standing at the entryway. Opening the door I greet him, and he takes a seat at the living room sofa.

Leah is getting dressed.

I offer him a drink. We sit and watch the news on a small TV while we wait. "Johnathan. Is it safe for Leah to travel by floo in her condition?"

Johnathan smiles, "Yes son, it will be fine. She is not as delicate as you may assume. While yes, she needs to be somewhat careful, she can still function with normalcy for the next few months. Dear boy, prepare yourself for the cravings, emotions, and swelling. I am not by any means saying its all gloom and doom, just saying its not going to be  easy for her."

Im somewhat confused, "cravings? Swelling?"

Johnathan starts deep belly laughing. "Yes. Ela had the most strange cravings. It would be best to indulge those whenever asked. Her feet might swell, I highly suggest rubbing them if they do. Give them snacks, lots of messages, bubble baths, and tell her she is beautiful every minute of every day. If you do this, you just might survive."

Johnathan is still laughing. I cant help but feel a bit guilty. I cant believe she is having to deal with all of this, when she did not even get to make this decision.

Johnathan must have read the emotions on my face, "Draco, she loves you. She loves that child. While this may not have been planned, I can assure you she does not blame you. She is fierce like her mother when wronged. If she was mad at you, you would damn well know it."

Leah makes her way down the stairs. "Ok boys, are we ready to leave?"

We all three stand in the fireplace. Johnathan grabs the powder and says, "Number 8 Hummingbird Way."

As we exit the fireplace we are met by no other than THE Newt Scammander.

"Draco, lad. It is lovely to meet you."

"Very nice to meet you Mr. Scammander."

Leah takes me to her room to settle in. I start to unpack as she sits back on the bed and watches. "Draco, I am more than capable of helping you do this."

I lean in and place a kiss on her forehead, "We will not have this conversation again. I will do this for you. Relax. I have it under control."

Newt appears in the doorway. "Ah my boy, you are learning. Keep the pregnant lady relaxed and happy. I am not sure if you are aware, this is my only granddaughter. I was given many grandsons that I love dearly. However, I was blessed with one granddaughter. She is the light of my life."

"Yes Mr. Scammander. I can only hope to be and provide her every bit of what you have dreamed for her."

Newt shuffles off down the hallway. That went as best as could be expected I suppose.

We only have three days here before we have to return to the Dark Lord.

The last two days went by with little excitement. Granddad drug Draco out into the forest thousands of times after first one creature then another. Dad had gathered a number of moms thing for me to take back home.

We laid mother to rest yesterday.

Being back home made me suddenly very aware of how lost Dad was. He would sometimes stand and stare at the fridge for ages to decide what he could cook for dinner.

Dinner came out burned most of the time.

Much to Pops, Dads, and Draco's relief I had taken over cooking after the first two meals here. I owled Narcissa for cooking spells. Mother and I always cooked the no-maj way. Mawmaw had always cooked for Pops. I will have to teach Dad what I can in the little time we have left.

We would floo home in the morning. It was painful to leave Dad. I understand him wanting to be home. He felt closer to mom here. We offered for him to stay with us, he denied saying he wished to go home.

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