Sleep tight. Alright?

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"Be careful,stay close to Adam, don't get to close to the barrier, take great pictures and have fun." Vic said putting his hat on me and helping me put on my jacket. It's been weeks and I've been to 6-10 shows. Today Vic said I could go into the photographers pit with Adam but he was very nervous about it. "Don't worry Vic I'll be fine with or without Adam." I said smacking his hands away while he tried zipping up my jacket. "Yeah mija I know I'm just worried if something happens to you and I'm not there to get you in time." Vic said hugging me. I hugged back and sighed. "It's okay I'll be careful." I said and I felt him nod. "Okay... Have fun." He waved before he turned around. "Wait! Your shoe lace is untied let me tie it for you." Vic said taking a knee and began tying my shoe. "Vic I'm 16 I'm old enough to tie my own shoes." I groaned as Jack, Adam, Jaime, Mike, and Alex watched and all made a "awe..." Noise. "Shut up!" I snapped as they just chuckled. "Amber you could've asked me to tie your shoe! I'm your pretend boyfriend!" Jack shouted as I shook my head. "No thanks even if you were I still wouldn't let you." I laughed as Vic tapped my foot to get my attention. "Double knot or is it fine like this?" Vic asked as I looked at my shoe. "Double please." I said as I was tossed the usually camera I got every show by Tony. "Here take it and do what you do best with that." Tony said patting my back. "You got it." I said as Adam waved me over. "Let's go young Fuentes." He laughed as we made our way to the photographers pit. The security opened the doors and fans began flooding in. They started shrieking out the guys names and held up bright coloured posters. Some recognised me somehow and started screaming out my name. "Oh my god! It's Vic's daughter!!!" I turned around and nodded my head giving them a smile and waved. "Can we take a picture with you?" Some asked and I shrugged. "Sure! I don't see no harm in it." I said as I smiled for the photo and someone tapped my shoulder. "Hey! Are you still giving those hugs out later?" I smiled and nodded. "Of course!" I said as they nodded. I walked back towards the stage and Adam high fived me. "You're already getting some fans Fuentes!" Adam said as the currents flew open and there stood Pierce the veil and the crowd went crazy. "Hey guys! This is our last day of touring in the US so let's make this a awesome show!" Vic said as they began to play bulletproof love. I started taking photos of the guys and I got some good pictures in. "These are great." I said taking some more. I got more great shots when the confetti started to fall. "Amber come here!" Adam called me. I jogged over and he had a big grin on his face. "Hey make sure to catch pictures of when all time low raids the set right now." Adam laughed as I chuckled and nodded. "Sure thing." I said when I caught a picture of Jack running on stage shirtless with a fur jacket on and his pants at his ankles. He almost tripped but supported himself leaning on Tony. "Jack! What the fuck are you doing?!" Tony said trying to brush him off. "Being your friend." He said as Tony shook his head. The rest of the all time low guys came on stage and began to mess around with the guys. Alex started sing a different song next to Vic and confusing him while Rian began to tap different drums while Mike his a different one. "Zach get away from me or I'm never talking to you again!" Jaime said trying to walk away from Zach. Zach laughed and gave him a hug as Jack began strumming some chords on Tony's bass. "Fuck off Barakat!" Tony said as Jack continued. The whole set was a mess yet I was taking great shots. "Thank you! We're all time low!" Alex said into the mic as the guys glared at all time low. "Watch your backs guys!" The guys said as they watched Alex, Zach, Rian, and Jack walk off set. "Sorry for that disaster guys let's play another song that won't be interrupted." Vic said winking at me. I gave him a thumbs up and watched with Adam. After this set let's go side stage we'll come back here though." Adam said as I followed him to side stage. "Uh Adam?" "Yeah?" He asked turning to look at me. "How am I going to get passed all those fans?" I asked as he smiled at me. "Say no more Fuentes I have exactly what you need." He said as he took out a mask that had his face on it. "What is this?" I asked him. "It's my face!" He said as he put it on my face making sure I could see and put my hood on carefully. We flashed our passes at security and carefully made our way towards the front when I tripped over a wire. "Shit!" I groaned as I got up. Adam turned around and helped me up. "You okay Fuentes?" He asked when people stared at us. "Who's Fuentes? I'm Jared." I said as we made our way to the front when someone tapped my shoulder. "Hey you dropped this." Some guy said with my phone in his hand. "Oh wow! Thank you so much dude! What's your name?" I asked as I took off Adam's stupid mask. "I'm Aaron." He said with a smile looking down at his face. "Wow I didn't know Vic Fuentes's daughter was even prettier up close." He said bashfully as I just sighed. "Thanks Aaron I appreciate you getting my phone for me. Please don't tell anyone I'm here Vic doesn't want me to get trampled on by fans." I said as he nodded and gave me a smile. "Alright. It was nice meeting you." He said smiling at me and walked off. Adam and I took a lot more great shot of everyone and the show soon came to a close.

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