Slow day

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I didn't really have the day I was expecting but come on, no one does. I sat in the very back of our last class in the corner, listening to some random music. I spaced out for awhile staring at the dirty whiteboard when my phone vibrated. I looked at the screen to see it was from Vic.

"Hey mija something came up so we'll be late picking you up. Be there to pick you up at 4:30. :)"

"Can I just walk?"

"No! And how's school?"

"Hate it -_-" no one knows what fun is around here."

"Bummer well have you made any friends?"

"Only one :/"

"Don't be anti social mija go make some friends!"

"Fine :\"

I pressed the sleep button on my phone and turned to the girl next to me. She had blue hair and brown eyes. "Hi I'm Amber..." I said awkwardly. "I uh... I like your hair!" I said with a big smile on my face. "Hi I'm Kenedy but everyone calls me Kenny." She chuckled. "So you're the new kid that's cool!" She said noticing my hat. "Hey nice hat!" She said pointing toward it. "Thank my uncle Mike gave me it because it's his lucky hat... He's obsessed with hats." I chuckled. "So what music do you listen to?" Kenny asked me. "Well anything really..." "You have to listen to this band I like!" She said taking my headphones and plugging them into her phone. "Oh I've heard this song before!" I said trying to remember where. "Yeah it's by my favourite band!" She gushed. "Hey you should eat with us at lunch tomorrow I didn't see you in the cafeteria." "Yeah I was outside eating lunch." I said fiddling with my thumbs. "Why? You could have sat with a random person." She said smiling at me squishing her cheeks. "I didn't want to take out my lunch in front of anyone it's embarrassing my Vi- I mean my dad put a note in my lunch and got me a bunch of things a little kid would like." I explained grimacing at the memory. "You're so lucky your dad does that!" She said squeezing my shoulders. "My dad never does that he's just a grumpy old man." She chuckled I laughed with her. I was reaching into my bag to receive the rice crispy Vic had packed me. I was going to split it with Kennedy but some bitch took it from me. "Thanks I was really hungry." Said this super tall guy with gelled back hair. "Hey give that back! My dad got that for me!" I said as the guy smirked at me. "Oh and look your daddy wrote a note on it..." He laughed about to read it out loud when I jumped out of my seat and tackled him down and punched his face in. "Nobody takes my things and expect not to be punished for it!" I shouted still pounding my fists in his face and stopped when I heard a sharp snap. "I think he's had enough." Kenny laughed. "You bitch! I was going to split it with you!" He said getting up cautiously wiping the blood from his nose. "So you know where you have to go now right?" The teacher asked me as I shrugged my shoulders. "Home?" The whole class bursted in laughter. "Alright so what you do is go down the hall and make a left go to the principle." The teacher said sighing miserably. "Thanks..." I said as I followed the instructions and ended up in Mrs.Bows office. "Oh hello deary did you get into a fight?" She asked me as I was taken off guard. "Uh yeah..." I said shuffling my feet a bit. She started laughing and motioned for me to close the door and take a seat. "I remember your father and your uncle both getting into a fight on the first day as well." She laughed. "I guess the Fuentes's have a lot of fight in them." She laughed once more. "But why did you beat him to a pulp deary?" She asked me seriously. "He took my food that Vi- I mean my dad had sent me and I was really upset about it so I beat him to a pulp for being a jerk." I said sitting back in my seat as the guy I beat up walked into the room gripping tissues around his nose. "Amber this is Lukas he's on our football team... And Lukas this is Amber our new student and I heard you didn't do such a good job giving her a warm welcome because you took her food her daddy packed for." Mrs.Bow said sternly. "But Mrs.Bow she broke my nose!" He said as Mrs.Bow glared at him. "Well you started it and little Ms.Fuentes is in no fault because she was merely defending herself and she does one hell of a job at it!" She said as she wrote me a note and kept Lukas in her office giving him hell about welcoming and respecting others.

Half an hour later...

"Hey Fuentes you got a phone?" I turned to see Sean as Kennedy and Darin chased after him. "Yeah but I'm not giving you my number..." I sighed as Kennedy skipped toward me. "So Amber how far do you live?" "Well probably 40 minuets away or less..." I told Kennedy as Darin twirled a pair of keys on his finger. "Well I got a car you need a lift?" I contemplated for a minute but shrugged. "If it's no trouble because my ride can't pick me up today..." "That's rough your daddy left you on the first day of school!" Sean said overreacting. "I don't care I can take care of myself!" I hissed at Sean. "Well come on we'll take you home!" Kennedy said hugging me. "Alright then." I chuckled as we all walked out.

Vic Fuentes adopted meWhere stories live. Discover now