Bon voyage

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         A few months later...

"Dad!!! Where is my headphones! You borrowed them last!" I shouted from my room. "Come get them I have them!" Vic called from his room. I walked in the room and he was sitting in front of the mirror. "Thanks." I said when I sat on his bed. "Just curious. But what are you doing?" "I'm thinking but I can't think. Could you grab my comb?" He asked. "Yeah sure." I said about to give it to him when he stopped me. "Could you brush my hair?" "Why? You're so random!" I laughed. "It helps me think." He laughed. "Ugh fine. But you know I got school today right?" I asked him and he nodded. "I do but what's more important? School or brushing your fathers hair?" He asked me. "You're right this is important." I laughed and sat down behind him brushing his hair. "So why do you need to think?" "I'm trying to come up with new lyrics for a new song. It's 2016 kid. Shit has changed and we've only came out with a few songs right now." He sighed. "Yep. And I'm graduating school soon." I said giving a relived sigh. "Don't remind me." Vic groaned. "Relax dad I'm going the easy route. Community college then the real thing afterwards." I laughed. "Good." He chuckled. "So any ideas yet?" I poked at him. "Nope. Fuck it. Let's go get some frozen yogurt." Vic said putting on his shoes. "Dad it's 9:30." I said looking at him. Vic narrowed his eyes at me. "Do you want frozen yogurt or not?!" "You know what. I'll stop questioning everything now." I laughed when my phone rang. "Where are you?!" Kenny screamed into the phone. "I'm at home but I'm leaving to get some stuff with my dad." I said when Kenny groaned. "Lucky... Anyway come to my house later I gotta tell you something." She said. "You got it!" I said as I got into the car and hung up. "Yogurt land!!!!" Shouted Vic. "Where's Mike?" I asked. "He's in the backseat." Laughed Vic. "How'd you get him in here?" "With theses muscles!" Vic said flexing his arms as we laughed and Mike shouted and mumbled. "Let's go to Taco Bell!" "Let's do it!" I said when Vic sighed. "Fine... Frozen yogurt and Taco Bell it is." Mike slowly got up and looked around. "How did I get into the car?" He said freaking out a bit. "I dragged you in." Vic smiled. "Right on." He said stretching putting his foot in my face. "Mike! Your hairy foot is in my face!!!" I shouted. "Really I thought it was my hand." He laughed. "Whatever..." I said pushing his foot away.

We eventually got Taco Bell and our frozen yogurt and went back home. "Parenting done right." I said eating my frozen yogurt. "Why aren't you at school?" Mike asked pointing at me with his taco. "Victor let me play hooky today. So what's on the agenda today guys." I said grabbing a taco. "We have to meet up with Brendon and then we gotta go to the studio and later we have to pack for New York." Vic said. "Way to break my heart old man. Taking off to NYC without me? That's cold father unit." I said glaring at him. "It's nothing personal it's just business." Vic said hugging me. "Whatever. I'll just take the car for joy rides to the beach and yogurt land and I'll throw wild parties." I said narrowing my eyes at Vic. "Amber you only have 3 friends." Vic laughed.  "Who's smart idea was it to let Amber get her license?" Mike asked. "Jaime." Vic said rolling his eyes. "That was a wise choice!" I laughed. "Whatever we told you Jack or Austin will take care of you." I groaned and looked at Vic. "Why can't Oli and the guys take care of me?" "Because do you remember what the tour bus looked like when we were on tour? That's why." "And Oli is a vegan Amber. You're like a meat eating machine and you won't survive eating stuff made from tofu for very long." Teased Mike. "Whatever..." I said eating my taco. "What time are you guys meeting up with this Brendon guy?" I asked Vic. "Around noonish. You should come. It's a free lunch haha." Vic joked. "Yeah alright." I said as I went to skullys little box and let him out. "Skully really likes you." Mike smiled. "And I really like him too!" I said throwing a toy across the room only to look at him and run around in circles. "He's still in training." I laughed. "Can you make ice cream cup cakes later Amb's? Please!!!" Begged Mike. "Only if you buy me a pizza all to myself." I smirked. "Fine." Mike said as skully started chewing on Vic's hair. "That's it!!!! I got a idea for another song and it's genius!" Vic said running to his room and locking the door. "He better hurry that lunch date with Brendon is soon." Mike said going to his room. "Come on skully. Let's go to my room." I said picking him up and kicking open the door. "Hmmm twenty one pilots sound pretty good right now." I said putting on the cd and singing the lyrics to skully. Then Mike came to my room. "Hey kiddo you gotta start getting ready if you're going to go with us to lunch." Mike said. "Why are you dressed really fancy?" "Because Brendon always dresses nice and I want to out dress him." He laughed. "You should curl your hair and wear a dress it would look very pretty." Mike smiled. "Fine." I said grabbing a dress the MIW guys bought me back in Germany. "Dad!" I shouted when Mike covered my mouth. "Shut your face little Fuentes! He's writing a song!" Mike said. "Sorry I forgot." "Did you need something?" "I need help curling my hair." I said looking up at Mike. "No problem little Fuentes. I curl Alysha's hair all the time so I'm a pro at this." He laughed. "Alright I'm trusting you Mike." I said when he put a blind fold over my eyes. "What the fuck?!" I panicked. "It's okay it's just to surprise you." Mike laughed. "Okay." I said as we chatted about random stuff in the bathroom. "So see any cute boys at school lately?" Mike asked awkwardly. "Usually that's something Jaime asks me." I laughed. "Have you?" Mike asked insistingly. "No." "You better not have!" Mike laughed. "I have to grow up sometime Mikey. I'm going to college in the fall!" I said. "Don't say that! It makes me sad." Mike said. "You going to college is you saying your leaving us." Mike said in a emotional tone. "Mikey I'd never leave you guys!" I said. "Take off the blind fold." Mike said when I saw my hair was in pretty curls. "Mike this is so pretty thank you!!! You're the best uncle ever!" I said hugging him. "I'm going to community college also you butt!" I said punching him in the shoulder. "Good choice!" He laughed. "Dad! Open up we're gunna be late for lunch with your friend!" I shouted. "Oh shit!" Vic said behind the door. "Give me 10 minutes and I'll be in the car!" Vic said and sure enough he came out in fancy casual clothes like Mike. "Amber you're in a dress?" "Dad you're in a suit?" We both questioned when Mike shouted. "Get your asses in the car and let's go!" "Sassy." I whispered. "I heard that!" Mike chuckled at me. We drove for about 30 minutes to a somewhat fancy yet hipsterish restaurant. We walking into the restaurant and heard a guy call our way. "Hey guys you made it!" We turned to see another well dressed dude. "I see you brought your little one." He smiled oh so charmingly. "Brendon this is Amber. Amber this is Brendon of panic at the disco." Vic introduced us. Brendon took my hand and shook it. "It's a pleasure to meet you Amber." He smiled at me. "Back at ya." I said as we sat down. "So you guys are heading to New York tonight eh?" Brendon asked. "Yeah except for Amber because she has school." Vic said. "Well my door is always open if you need something." Brendon said. "Thanks." I smiled at him. "So what will you guys be doing in New York?" "Working on a upcoming album. Not sure what to call it yet." Vic said. "That's understandable." Brendon said. The waitress put down garlic bread and took our drink orders. After she left me and Mike took our garlic bread. I looked up to see Brendon laughing as he watched me eat. "You're really hungry aren't you?" "No not really I just like garlic bread." I said when he laughed. "So you went on tour with your dad right?" "That's right." I said grabbing another piece of bread. "What did you do on tour?" "I took pictures with Adam and hung out with the guys. It was pretty kickass." I said and he smiled. "I like her she's really great!" Brendon said patting Vic on his shoulder. "You raised a awesome child." He said going back to me. "So tell me more about yourself." "I like turtles, listening to music, my 3 friends, my dog, the colour red, a little bit of singing, writing my own songs and eating pizza all day long." Brendon nodded his head and looked at Vic. "Can she come on tour with me this summer? This kid is awesome!" "I don't know because we have a tour going on and she feels comfortable with she's with us." Vic said. "I actually have plans for school over summer." "I'll pay you." Brendon said. "Hmmm I'll get back to you on that." I said as I opened my menu. The guys talked about their music stuff and Brendon gave me a free cd. "Here this is from our latest album death of a bachelor. You'll love it!" He winked. "Thanks." I said looking at the cd. After our meal was over Brendon got me a hot brownie with ice cream on top. "Thanks for the dessert Brendon!" I said passing it to Vic and Mike. "Anytime sweety." He smiled at me. "If you ever need anything here's my number." Brendon said. "Thanks." I said putting his number down in my phone. "So if you ever need a ride or anything call up your good ole uncle Brendon. Okay?" "You got it." I said as he paid the bill and we walked out. "It was nice meeting you Amber hopefully you can come on tour with me. I hope you guys have a safe flight and good luck on the album." Smiled Brendon. "Thanks." Vic smiled. "Bye!" I said waving at him. "Are you going to go on tour with him?" Mike asked. "It's a paying job. I might but who knows I'll probably just stick with my favourite crew." "Who's that?" Vic said. "It's you guys dummy." I laughed. "Ice cream cupcake time!" Shouted Mike. "I'm super full I can't eat anything right now you have to wait for me to make them later." I groaned walking to my room to see my little puppy skully asleep on my pillow. I just laid next to him and he rolled over on my face when Vic knocked on the door. "Hey mija Mike and I are going to the studio we shouldn't be long. Okay?" "Yeah dad it's fine." I said sitting up and scratching skully's belly. After the guys left I turned up my stereo all the way, grabbed a six pack of dr.pepper and sat in my room when my phone went off. "Hey are you still coming over?" Asked Kenny. "Shit! I'll be right over!" I said stuffing the sodas in my bag and putting skully away in his little box. I ran to Kenny's house and knocked on the door. "Kenny open the door!!!" I shouted. "Finally Fuentes!" She said as I walked in. "Come to my room we gotta talk." She said as we went to her room. "So what's up?" I asked taking a soda out of my bag. "It's about Sean." She said falling next to me on her bed. "I think I'm in love Amber." She said turning to me. "Wow that's some serious shit." I said taking a soda out of my bag. "Here you look like you need this." I said as she took the soda. "So why do you think you're in love Kenny?" "He's so charming and sweet and he's like cherry slushy and I'm the blue berry one!" She said smiling. "Ah! He's not into me though because we're friends!" Kenny sighed. "Why don't you be straight forward with him. Just say hey you like me? And if he says yes say something smooth." I laughed. "Thanks for the advice Fuentes." "You're welcome!" I laughed. "Want to come over to my place? I'm supposed to make ice cream cupcakes before the guys leave to NYC." I said. "You had me at ice cream cupcakes." Kenny laughed as we grabbed our stuff and headed back to my place. "Amber I'm sorry mija but we have to leave now." Vic said while him and Mike were running around the house grabbing his stuff. "Okay." I said sitting on the couch. "Tony and Jaime are waiting for us at the airport!" Mike shouted at Vic. "Let's go!" Vic shouted running out but coming back. "Amber come here." I walked over to Vic and he hugged me. "It really pains me to leave you but I promise I'll be back as soon as I can." Vic said. "I'll miss you dad. But I'll see you soon." I said when he gave me his hat. "Hold onto this for me." He winked. "You look like me!" He laughed when a car pulled up. "Who is that?" I asked. "It's your babysitter." Vic laughed when Brendon came out. "Hey kid I'm watching you so what do you want to do?" Brendon asked as Vic ran to the car and Mike waved at me. "I was gunna make ice cream cupcakes." I said awkwardly. "That sounds genius! Show me how." Grinned Brendon when I heard a huge thud. "Brendon I'm your biggest fan!" Shouted Kenny. "Oh sorry I forgot Kenny was here." I laughed. "Brendon this is my friend Kenny she likes bands." I laughed. "I can see that." He said getting off the floor and dusting himself off. "So where do we begin?" Brendon asked. "I make the stuff and you go buy us pizza and I need ice cream I need it for the cupcakes." I smiled seeing if I can get away with it. "You got it. What kind of pizza?" I looked over at Kenny and grinned like a crazy person. "Pepperoni! And cheese! And Hawaiian!" We both screamed and Brendon nodded. "You got it see you in a bit do we need anything to drink?" "Chocolate milk!" I smiled and went to the kitchen to make the stuff. I put the mix together and what not and dumped them into the trays into the oven. Kenny and I sat on the couch for a good while watching gravity falls when there was a knock at the door. "If it's a serial killer give him the Cheerios." I told Kenny. "Hey I'm back!" It was Brendon with everything I asked for. "Wow you're fast." I said as he walked in. "I know." He grinned at me. "What are you kids watching?" "Brendon I'm not a kid! And we're watching gravity falls." I said walking back to the couch. "Alright Ms.Adult." Brendon teased. "So do you know exactly when my dad and uncles are coming back?" I asked Brendon. "No sorry I just know it will be awhile Amber." Brendon sighed. He went to the kitchen and then back to the living room and stared at me like a kid on a sugar high. "Can I help you Brendon?" "When are your cupcake things going to be done yet?! I want one!" "Soon Brendon soon." I laughed. "After I get my cupcake I gotta go Amber." Kenny said. "Okay." I sighed.

Vic Fuentes adopted meWhere stories live. Discover now