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It was cold today and it was snowing outside. Since when did it snow in San Diego? I've been in this orphanage for maybe about ten years already. Who knows I lost count after nine. I was adopted by many people but they always returned me because they didn't have the patience to deal with a lowly orphan like me. My names Amber by the way and I'm 15 and a half I'm turning 16 in two months. I have untamed curly brown hair but I straighten it and I have brown eyes and tan skin.

So today Mrs.Anchorman said a man was coming to see me. Great another shrink. The orphanage was pretty empty, as far as I know I'm the oldest kid here. There are a bunch of toddlers and babies but it always gets emptier by the months. No one wants a teenager. "Amber! Amber!" I was taken out of my thoughts by charlotte. "What's wrong Charlotte? Why are you crying?" I asked her concerned. "I fell and hurt my knee!" She cried. "Oh Charlotte when aren't you getting hurt..." I sighed ruffling her hair and grabbing her hand. "Let's go get you a bandage and then we can watch a movie okay?" Charlotte was a sweetheart and the only toddler I could deal with. In a way I felt like I was her mom sometimes,or a big sister. She was only a new born when she arrived and no one really payed much attention to her but I was always their for her. "Amber? Can I have a juice?" She was doing that thing with her eyes again. "Stop it Charlotte... I'm not doing it." I said crossing me arms noticing an open juice in her hands. "And why are you asking me when you're already drinking one!" I shouted. "I already finished it can I have another?" She said her big blues eyes getting bigger. "If you keeping doing that thing with your eyes they're going to fall out..." Right as I said that she dropped her empty juice box and ran screaming. I laughed and followed her when Mrs.Anchorman stopped me. "Amber, he's here to see you." She sang. God I hated when she did that did she have to make that sing song voice every fucking time she called me?! "Wait Mrs.Anchorman who exactly is 'he'?" "Well all you have to know is he's interesting in adopting you!" She said clapping her hands. "Great well I'll see you in a week or less then..." I shrugged walking through the doors to see a bunch of guys sitting on a bench. I kicked the ground a bit and looked at them and deeply sighed. "Okay so who is the person interested in adopting me?" I asked when a hand automatically was shoved in my face. "That would be me! I'm Vic Fuentes." Smiled a guy with long wavy brown hair and a SnapBack. "You look kind of young to want to adopt someone... And I don't think you'll be interested in me anyway..." I said looking him in the eye. "What?! Why wouldn't I? You seem like a good kid..." That's when I interrupted him. "Dude I'm not a kid I'm a teenager and-" "No! No! You can't take Amber away! She's the only person I got...!" Charlotte said running into the front room and grabbing onto my leg. "Who's this?" Vic asked. "This is Charlotte she's been here since she was a baby and I've been taking care of her ever since she's got here." I said patting her head. "Charlotte you do this every time I'm talking to people..." "But I don't want you to leave me." She said crying even harder. "Hey hey stop that crying okay? I'll always come back and visit you and when I'm old enough I'll come and adopt you okay..." I smiled at her. Charlotte wiped her tears away and hugged me tightly. "You promise?" "Promise... Now go back to whatever Charlotte's do okay?" I smiled at her and went back to talking to this Vic guy when she went inside. "So I wanted to adopt you Amber because I always wanted a kid that looked just like me or had the same kind of actions like me and you fit the descriptions." He said putting his hat on my head. "Okay but you don't even know my personality yet... That's why people usually send me back." Vic went silent and looked at his vans and then back to me. "Well I'm not ever going to send you away okay..." He said grabbing onto my hands. I looked him in the eye once again and that's when I thought this guy is really serious! "Okay..." I said blankly with my eyes showing a bit of excitement. "Great! Then go pack your bags! We're leaving today!" He then gave me a huge ass hug. "Vic I can't breathe!" I said tapping his arm to let go. "Oh sorry about that and you can call me dad now!" He smiled with his hands on his hips like a super hero. "No... I'll stick to calling you Vic... And can I say goodbye to Charlotte before I leave..." I said walking back to my room to find Charlotte jumping on my bed. "Hey kiddo I have to talk to you..." Charlotte stopped jumping and her lip began to quiver. "You're leaving with them aren't you..." She said as tears began to come out. "Yeah... But I'm not going to be gone forever you know." I said taking off my necklace with a red rock. "Here I'll let you have this." "But this is your necklace." She sniffled. "And my favourite colour but that's not the point... When I come back I'm adopting you and when I do I want my necklace back got it!" I chuckled. "Got it... I'm gunna miss you a lot Amber..." "Me too give me a big hug Charlotte..." She hugged me as tight as she could and left my shirt stained with tears. "I'll write you everyday." She said holding onto a piece of paper. "And I'll write you back see you around kiddo..." With that said I quickly packed everything I came with and went back to Vic and those other guys.

"Amber I'll keep Charlotte here for you till your 18 okay..." Said Mrs.Anchorman when Charlotte came running through the doors to the entrance with a picture of her. "Here is a picture of me so you won't forget me." She said wiping tears away. "I couldn't forget you even if I tried be good now..." I said ruffling her blond hair and walking with Vic and his friends.

"So I'm your uncle Mike but you can call me Mike or Tio..." He smiled patting my head. "You're tall!" I smiled when I felt a arm go around my shoulders. "And you can call me Tio too or just Jaime..." Jaime laughed. "Same here or Tony..." Tony smiled putting his hoodie on. I think I was going to like it here but I still missed Charlotte. "What's wrong mija tell papa what's wrong..." Vic chuckled. "Uh no thanks Vic..."

Vic Fuentes adopted meWhere stories live. Discover now