Back to school

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I woke up to the alarm clock going off and I sighed I got up and did my usual thing. Shower, dress, eat and leave for school. "This is a drag!" I shouted jumping in the car. "What? You're going back to school that sounds awesome!" Mike squealed in the front passenger seat. "You're not the one going to school." I poked at him. "Here's your lunch! You forgot it Amber!" Vic said giving it to me and started the car. "Why can't I stay home another day?!" I whined. "Because you have to go to school kiddo." Laughed Vic stopping suddenly. "You're here get out my car and go get your education on." He laughed. "You guys suck." I said as they sped off. I turned and walked through the doors and to my locker. When I got to it I just started banging my head into it. "Uh... What are you doing?" I looked to see Kenny,Sean, and Darin. "I'm relieving stress. You should try it sometime." I sighed and Darin held me back and hugged me. "I think you relieved enough stress for today Fuentes." I hugged Darin and snuggled into him. "You smell like hot pockets. I like hot pockets." I laughed. "Uh thanks?" Darin said patting my head. "So are we going to class or what? Mr.Zile will give us hell." "Sitting in his class is hell." Sean sighed. We walked in and sat at in our seats when all of the sudden the door flew open. "Hey class your teacher quit his job because he hated it so I'm your temp for now. You can call me Mr.Manansalsa." I looked at the guy. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I mumble under my breath. "Ms.Fuentes I won't tolerate foul language in my class." "What are you doing here Phil?" I asked as he just took off his nice jacket and wore a sleeveless tank. "That's no way to talk to your teacher see me after class Ms.Fuentes." Phil smirked at me. "Haha! Amber is in trouble!" Sean teased. "Save the chit chat for later kid!" Phil pointed at Sean. "How come you know her name and you don't know mine?!" Sean squeaked out. "Kenny why're you so quiet?" I asked turning around to look at her.  "She's fan girling in secret let the child be." Darin laughed petting Kenny's head. "Since your teacher left I took it upon myself to teach you all to about not being assholes to each other!" Phil said. "Isn't this English?" A kid asked. "I'm speaking it! So listen up everyone out of your seats and move the desks we are going to do some buddy shit." I looked at Darin and sighed. "Buddy?" "Buddy."

Phil made us do trust falls and me being the smallest person got crushed by Darin when it was my turn to catch him. "Hey Amber you alright?" Phil asked jogging up to my friends and I in the halls. "Yeah and I've been meaning to ask. What the hell are you doing here?" Phil smiled. "Well something has to help me make money on the side besides I love to give children the gift of knowledge." Laughed Phil. "Whatever. I'm sure you're fine. Financially speaking." I yawned. "Take me out for lunch?" "Nah I made myself some and I'm sure Vic wouldn't want you wasting your food he packs you every morning." I looked in my bag and saw a pack of pop tarts. "Yeah these pop tarts will totally keep me full." I laughed when Kenny grabbed them and ran. "Kenny!!!" I shouted and ran after her. "Is it usually like this?" Phil asked Sean and Darin. "Only on Mondays." Sean laughed.

"Kenny those are my pop tarts! Get your ass back over here!" I shouted when I ran into someone's back. "Shit..." I mumbled getting up and dusting myself off. "You okay?" "Yeah I'm fine." I look up to see Berto. "Oh hey it's you..." I sighed and saw Kenny grinning and eating my pop tarts by the lockers. "Kenny said you were looking for me." Berto smirked. "Uh no actually." I said walking past him. He grabbed my hand and smiled at me. "I can't believe we're going out! That's awesome!" He shouted loudly. "What the fuck are you doing?!" I said trying to cover his mouth. "See that girl with green hair watching us. She's the stalker girl." "Oh I see. You should totally go out with her bro." I teased. "She's crazy." "See if my dad knew about this he would kick your ass knowing that you're putting me at risk here with this stalker girl." I said taking my hand away. "Let's walk past her." Berto said. "That's a dick move! I'm not a bitch! So what if she likes you." I said loud enough for him to hear. "Maybe she just knows you from somewhere and just wants to say hi." I said punching him in the shoulder. "I want my burrito by the way." I laughed. "Fine..." He sighed as I sprinted to Kenny who ate my poptarts. "Kenny! It's okay you ate my poptarts I'm getting a burrito instead." I chuckled. We walked back to the guys and Darin was trying to pull Sean from the lunch tables while he was trying to dance on them. "Hey get the fuck off this isn't high school musical crazy bitch." Kenny laughed. "Sorry I was just making a point about how shitty the school food is. It's not normal for pudding to me furry!" Sean shouted throwing the pudding cup into a random crowd of people. "Hey what the fuck?!" We turned around and saw it was Lukas the guy who's nose I broke. "Fuck me sideways. Fuck..." Sean shouted before running. "I'll kick your ass Sean!" Shouted Lukas. "Should we help?" I turned to Darin. "Nah he's good." Darin smirked. "I got you your burrito girlfriend." Berto said tossing it over. "Thanks." I said when he grabbed my hand. "I can't eat like this. Don't worry my hand won't fall off." I joked. The green haired girl just stared at us. "Berto I feel bad about doing this." I said when he unzipped his bag and flashed me a pack of Oreos. "Why do you have to play dirt?" I glared at him. "Amber are you and Berto a thing?" Darin asked me looking hurt. "No Darin he just wants me to hang out with him for a few weeks is all." I said hugging Darin. "If you hurt Amber I'll find you." Darin growled at Berto. "Of course Amber is a friend man." Berto said. "Amber come with me to my locker." I sighed and followed Berto. "I feel more like a dog than a fake partner." I whispered to myself. "I don't like this." I said plainly. "Amber we made a deal." "But you didn't say I could break it. I think you're acting like a complete dick to the girl." I said and Berto sighed. "Maybe I am but she keeps following me. She's right behind the locker over there." He pointed and we both saw her watching us. "Okay I see your point there but it's nice to have a admirer every now and then." I  said patting his shoulder and walking back to the table Darin was sitting back. "Hey." I turn around to see the green haired girl. "Hi their." I smiled at her when all of the sudden I was pushed up against the wall. "Stay away from my boyfriend." "And that would be...?" "Roberto Adams! Stay away from him!" She sneered at me. "Okay." I said and she put me down and walked away. "Great next time I might get shoved in a locker." I sighed when I sat next to Darin, Kenny, and Sean. "Guys you want to come over to my house and just hang out?" I offered. "Yeah sure." They all agreed. "Cool lets go after school." I sighed and leaned my head against Darin. "I wish my head could explode candy." I said randomly. "You really need some sleep." Sean pointed out at me. "Yeah I do." I said when the bell rang and we were off to our last two classes of the day.

School was over. The green haired chick threaten to shove a ruler in my eye and I'm tired as hell. "Carry me?" I asked Darin with my arms out. "Fine lets go." Darin said carrying me to his car. "You're awesome." I laughed. Kenny went to my house in Sean's car so it was just Darin and I. "So did you miss me when you were gone?" He asked awkwardly. "Yeah and Sean and Kenny too." I smiled at him. "It was kinda lonely on the road I mean I had the guys and stuff to talk to but it wasn't the same as hanging out with you guys." I said. "Well things are going to be normal again." Darin smiled when we both bursted out laughing. "Hahaha since when are our lives normal?!" I laughed wiping tears from my eyes. "Not in the slightest." He commented.

Finally getting off Vic sat on the porch. "Hey dad." I said getting out of the car. "Hey Amb's!" He said getting up to hug me. "How was school?" "Good I guess besides being threatened a few times." I laughed. "Who is it? I want names! No one threatens my daughter!" Vic said getting all hyped up. "Relax its nothing serious." I said patting his back. Kenny and Sean pulled up and came out of the car. "Hi Mr.Fuentes!" Kenny shouted waving at Vic. "You know it's fine to just call me Vic right?" He smiled. "Yeah okay." Kenny said walking with Sean. "Let's go inside we can all chat it up in my room." I smiled. "Hey kid how was school?" Mike asked me. "It was crunk!" I laughed. "You need to stop hanging out with Alex." Mike laughed. "Hi Mike!" Sean smiled. "Hi their young person." Mike chuckled. We walked into my room and I saw it was decorated with pictures I took and a few autographed posters. "Like the new stuff we put up?" Vic asked leaning on the door frame. "I love it thanks dad!" I said giving him a hug. He walked away and close the door behind him. "So whatcha want to talk about Amber?" Kenny asked as she jumped up and down on my bed. "It's about Adams and the green haired chick." I groaned into Darin's shoulder. Darin hugged me and laid his head on top of mine. "What's wrong are they giving you trouble?" Sean asked getting up. "No well one isn't. Berto is just giving me food and the other threatened to beat me up." I sighed. "Don't worry Amber I'll protect you!" Kenny said pounding her chest but punching her boob in the process. "Are you okay?" I asked looking at her. "Tits of steel." She laughed. "In all seriousness.What's going on?" Sean asked. "Okay back when I was touring with my dad Berto found us in France and from there he was traveling with us for four days and he was telling me all this crazy shit about this green haired chick and he asked me to be his fake girlfriend and being as nice as I am I said yeah but that was because food was involved!" I said really fast. Kenny, Sean, and Darin looked at me like I was crazy and Sean took off his sunglasses. "That's some heavy shit. So heavy I think I just shit a brick Amber." Sean said and I laughed a little. "I'm in deep guys..." I said when Darin hugged me. "You'll be okay. We're going to always be here for you." I hugged him tighter. "God I missed you guys." "We missed you too." Sean and Kenny said coming to hug me too. "We will help you out of this mess even if it means getting my hair shaved off." Sean smiled. "Thanks guys." I smiled.

After Sean and Darin left it was just me and Kenny outside in the backyard laying on the cement and looking at the sky. "Hey Amber why didn't you fight Jessica?" "Who?" "They green haired chick." "Oh. Well I didn't fight her because after I got into a fight with Lukas. My dad said I can't get into another one. But I'm sure he'll understand if it's for a better reason this time." I laughed. "I fought a guy over a rice crispy." I said and we both laughed. "Well I gotta go home. My old lady is wondering where I am. See ya Fuentes." She said walking out of my house. I sat up and sighed. "God I'm so fucked...!!!!"

Vic Fuentes adopted meWhere stories live. Discover now