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                 Next morning...
"Jack!" I screamed. "I thought you left me on the couch!" I said pushing him out of bed. "Sorry I couldn't do that and my bed looked even more comfortable so I decided to hop in bed with you." He yawned. "I was tired can you blame me?" He grinned at me. "Whatever." I said. "I'm hungry are you going to make breakfast?" I asked Jack. "I don't cook Amber. Let's go to chick-fil-a." He said getting up and putting jeans on. "Fine." I said grabbing my bag and going to the bathroom to change. "You could've changed in my room!" Shouted Jack. "You'd like that wouldn't you! Creep." I laughed getting out and slipping on my vans. "Where Skully?" I asked when Jack brought me to the kitchen to see Skully eating a pack of turkey slices. "He's eating right now but should I let him roam free in my backyard while we're out?" "Sure." I said as Skully jumped all over the place outside. "Let's go my lovely girlfriend." "I'm not your girlfriend." I said going to the garage. "You're right. Be my wife!" He said all dramatic like. "One day Jack when I'm not young or something like that. Maybe." I joked. "I bet you a whole pepperoni pizza that we will end up together one day. Winner gets the pizza, loser buys it." Jack grinned putting out his hand. "It's a bet." I laughed.

Jack and I drove to chick-fil-a singing along to blink-182. It was awesome and then we finally got to the restaurant. We ordered large waffle fries, two lemonades, and a fuck ton of chicken tenders. Jack smiled at me as we ate our food. "It's good! Huh?" Jack asked me with food in his mouth. "Yes." I said throwing a piece of chicken at him. "Does Brendon know where you are?" Jack asked me. "Nope and I don't care he's annoying! Whenever I'm away he's snooping through my stuff and taking things it's irritating!" I said sipping my lemonade. "I'd be a little pissed too." Jack said. "It's just Brendon isn't used to watching anyone. He's always on the go. No kids." Jack said. I was about to say something but my phone went off. It was Vic! "Dad! I was wondering when you'd call me!" I shouted into the phone. "Hi mija what are you doing?" Vic asked. "I'm having breakfast with Jack." I said and Vic laughed. "How come you're not home where you're supposed to be young lady?" Vic asked. "Brendon has gone overboard and I can't stand him can I live with Jack for awhile or something?" I begged. "Hmmm..." Vic hummed into the phone. "Please dad!!!" "Fine but only because you asked for permission from your old man." Vic laughed. "I miss you guys already!" I told him. "I miss you more baby girl." "Please come home soon dad I miss you guys tell Mike and the guys I said hi and I miss them too!" I said. "I will love you Amber! I gotta go do music biz I'll try to talk to you soon." He said then hung up. "Guess who's moving in with you?" I said. "I've been waiting for this moment my whole life!" Jack laughed. "Whatever!" I said eating waffle fries. "Should we stop by your house after this?" "I guess and I can tell Brendon he's fired." I sighed.

After we ate we headed toward my place. "I'll wait in the car." Yawned Jack. I went to the drivers seat and unbuckle his seat belt and dragged him out of the car. "Be a supportive boyfriend won't you dear?" I smiled with sarcasm in my voice as I was crushing his hand. "Amber you're hurting me." Jack said patting my hand. "Fine but you're coming in the house with me wether you like it or not." I grinned at him. "Fine." Jack coming inside with me. "Amber! You're home!!!" Brendon said hugging me as I barely stepped inside. "I was worried about you! I'm sorry I was acting like a fool!" He said hugging me tighter and patting my back. "Well you don't have to be worried any longer!" I smiled at him. "How so Amber?" Brendon said looking at me. "Jack is going to be watching me from now on. My dad said it was fine with him." I said and Brendon made a sad little face. "What's with the face?" I asked looking at him. "I was actually going to let you have fun instead of being a parent." Brendon said. "Doesn't your wife wonder where you are?" I asked. "We got into a fight and I got kicked out of the house." Brendon said rubbing him temples. "Write her a song you're good at that." I laughed. "Anywho Brendon my friendly uncle I'm afraid it's time for you to go home and makeup with your doting wife." I said. Brendon hugged me and signed. "Fine I'll go but if you need absolutely anything at all your uncle Brendon will be here for you." He said ruffling my hair. "Take care of her party boy." Brendon glared at Jack. "You bet ya!" Jack grinned at him. "Now what now sweet girlfriend of mine?" "I'm not your girlfriend." I laughed. "Playing hard to get? I love it!" Jack said. "Jack can you go pick up skully from your house and come back?" I asked. "Only if you come with me." He smiled. "Carry me?" "Why?!" Jack asked. "Because Mike isn't here!" I shouted hearing my voice crack a little. "Oh no! Are you gunna cry?" Jack asked panicking. "I won't if you carry me." I said as he picked me up. "Thanks Jacky." I said as he put me in the car. I was singing to mr.bright side by the killers and Jack saw I was getting into it. So he thought it'd be funny to change the radio station. "I don't like that song." Grinned Jack. "The song doesn't like you either." I pouted in the front seat. Finally driving up to Jack's I ran out the car and went to the back yard to get skully who was rolling around in the grass. "Skully!!!" I shouted while running to him to cuddle him in the grass. "Why don't you cuddle me like that?" Jack asked walking in the back yard. "Because you're not skully." I laughed. "I can try." He said stepping on the grass and screaming. "Ahhh man! I stepped in shit!" Jack said walking toward the sliding door to step in another pile of shit. "Fucking shit!" Jack shouted as I laughed at him. "Jack watch out for the poop!" I laughed. "Thanks Amber that really helped after the fact!" He glared at me. "Let me grab my stuff and we'll go back to your house." Jack sighed frustrated.

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