The last show

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Today was a off day I woke up at 4:00am and I couldn't sleep. I felt different you know? I guess you could say I was homesick. I sat by the window and listened to everyone snore softly and loudly. God I missed California. I missed my friends and I missed abuelito and Charlotte. Tour was fun with the guys an all but I felt homesick. I'm sure it's normal. I sighed and just thought to myself. "You need sleep Amber..." I groaned and walked over to the bed I had to share with Alex and Jack and I laid on the floor staring at the ceiling and counting to 100. I eventually fell asleep again and I saw I was on a bed when I woke up hours later. Zach probably put me on the bed to sleep better. Everyone was gone. It was just me in the empty hotel room and I started freaking out. "Dad?! Tony, Mike, Jaime? Guys?" I called checking the closets and the bathroom. No one. I went into the small kitchen our hotel room had and there was a letter from Vic. "Sorry we had to leave early. We had to go to sound check earlier today and you looked exhausted. If you want to come here is your pass and some money for a cab over here. We are at the Gruenspan. Hope you come! Love dad." I sighed and did my thing. I got dressed with my usual wear. A black shirt, ripped jeans, black Vans, a jacket and my lucky beanie. I grabbed my small backpack and my pass to the Venue. I grabbed my phone and some money and headed out. "Jesus... I'm hungry." I sighed walking into a bar to see a familiar face. "Hey! Amber!" It was Geomar the bartender. "It's a little early to be drinking." Joked Geomar. "It's only 10:00." I laughed pointing to the clock. "Haha so what brings you here?" He asked me. "Food I guess... I'm starving." I groaned. "Don't worry I get you some." He laughed.
After that he left me alone sitting at the bar with a glass of juice. I was looking through my camera and wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and Geomar came back in with food. "Nice camera. Are you a photographer?" I shrugged at him and tilted my head sideways. "Eh more or less. I take pictures of my dads band." I said and he nodded. "Well eat your food is getting cold." He said taking my glass putting more juice in.

When I was done I took a few picture of Geomar and me and I left to find a taxi. "Hey it's Amber!" I turned to see a few guys and a girl. "Can we get a picture?" I shrugged and took a few photos with them. "Alright see you guys at the show." I waved getting into the taxi. It took 30 minutes and I paid the driver and put my pass and camera around my neck. "Pass?" I showed my pass and walked backstage to see the guys. "Amber!" Shouted Chris. "Hey guys!" I waved running over to them. "What took you so long?" Devin asked me. "I went to a bar and hung out for a little while." I said and Ricky laughed. "This early in the morning?" "You have a drinking problem." Laughed Angelo. "I just had some juice and some food." I laughed. "I want bagels!" Screamed Ryan laying on the floor taking a nap. "So where's everyone else?" I asked. "Oh they're on stage just hanging out... The sound check people are late." Chris yawned drinking a water bottle. I walked towards the stage and saw the rest of the guys laying on the floor of the stage. They were all sleeping except for Tony. He was on his phone. I walked over to Tony and nudged him with my shoe scaring him. "Hey." I said nonchalantly grabbing my camera and snapping a picture of him. "Hey baby Fuentes." Tony yawned. "That's a first." I said. Tony patted the floor next to him. I sat down and hugged my knees and we watched big hero 6. "This a awesome movie." I said and I felt someone's head lay on my shoulder. I turned to see it was Mike. "It is..." He said looking at me sleepily. "Shhh..." I said making his eyes close. "Hey Tony?" "Hmm?" "Where's Vic?" I asked. "You're calling him Vic again what happened to calling him dad?" Tony asked and I shrugged. "It's only when he's around." I said and Tony yawned pointing towards the lights. "He's up there on the phone. Probably talking to Danielle." Tony yawned once more. I hugged Tony and walked up a lot of stairs to see Vic. I saw him pacing back and forth. "Danielle baby please. I promise I'll be home soon." Vic said. I heard a couple of mumbles and he responded with. "Danielle you mean everything to me. I know we haven't been together long but come on let's make this work." Vic said and he waited a couple minutes until the phone hung up. "Damn it!" He sighed kicking the floor and shoving his phone back into his pocket. "Rough conversation with your girlfriend?" I asked and Vic rubbed his neck. "Something like that." Vic said taking his hat off and running his fingers through his hair. "Want to come down to the stage area while we wait for the sound check guys?" I asked him and he nodded. "So how was the ride over here?" He asked as we made our way down. "It was alright I stopped by a bar to eat and-" "A bar?" Vic said cutting me off. "Yeah I had breakfast there." I reassured him. "Relax it would've been to early to drink anyway." I laugh. "Better not." Vic glared at me. "Not under your supervision." I teased. We walked on the staged and hung out with the rest of the guys. We sat around and talked about what we'd do when we got back home. Mike wanted to have a BBQ and introduce me to his "lady" and so did Tony and Jaime. Vic stayed quiet while all the guys talked about their girlfriends back home. "Hey bro why the long face?" Mike asked Vic. "Aren't you excited to see Danielle?" "I don't think we'll be seeing each other for a long while." Vic sighed and I patted his back. "Don't worry dad... You got us." I said and he smiled. "You're the sweetest daughter ever." He said hugging me. We sat on the floor and I braided Vic's hair until All time low walked up to us. "Hey guys just wanted to tell you that this will be our last show together so let's make it a great one!" Alex said and Jack hugged me. "I have a gift to give you." Jack said taking something out of his pocket. "You may be in London. We'll be in France. Here is my underpants." Jack said taking my hands and giving me his black boxers. "Thanks? Wait what we're going to England?" I asked awkwardly shoving them in my pocket. The guys nodded and I looked towards Jack pointing at him. "I'll cherish this forever..." I said awkwardly. "Make sure to wash your hands in a bit." Zach said. Rian waved me over and took out his wallet. "Here have this dollar in memory of me... And go spend it at the vending machine and get cookies." Rian laughed. "I'm getting gummy worms!" I shouted. I walked toward the vending machines and Devin caught up to me. "Hey where you going?" "Going to the vending machine. Want to come along ghost?" "Of course cutie!" He said.

Vic Fuentes adopted meTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang