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I had a great time yesterday with my uncles and Vic. Yeah I'm still not ready to call him dad just about yet. Vic said that today we're going to the zoo. I've never been fortunate to go to the zoo. Or even fortunate to have all the things Vic's already done for me. He told me he had to take me shopping later because I needed more things. He wasn't to specific but that's Vic for you. I put on a black hat that Mike gave me and grabbed my pair of sunglasses and walked out of my room ready for the day. I walked out to see Mike on the couch watching TV but no Vic. "Mike? Where's Vic?" I asked standing next to him. "He's still sleeping you should go wake him up." Mike laughed and I nodded making my way to Vic's room. "Vic... Vic wake up!" I shouted but he just turned the other way. "Vic please... I want to go to the zoo!" I pleaded but only heard more groans from him. "Fuck it..." I said jumping on him and waking him up in the process making him fall out of bed. "Amber! What the hell?! I was sleeping!" He shouted. "I'm sorry Vic are you mad at me?" I asked making a innocent face. "Nah... I'm not mad." He laughed getting up and grabbing his clothes. "I'll be out in a sec and then we'll go to the zoo." Vic smiled at me. "Yay!" Running out the room I jumped onto the couch next to Mike. "We're going to the zoo!" I shouted in his face. "Tone it down Amber it's just the zoo..." Mike said slowly pushing my face away from him. "Yeah but I've never been to the zoo before!" I said excitedly. As soon as Vic came out the room Vic, Mike and I went to the car and made our way to San Diego zoo. "Yay! We're going to see the animal!" I shouted again in excitement. "Holy crap Amber! Shut the hell up! This is the 5th time you've said we are going to see the animals!" Mike shouted. "Hahaha okay I'll stop then." I laughed while Vic made an exit off the freeway and we made it to a huge parking lot filled with cars. "Vic why are we here?" I asked cluelessly. "Because we need to park the car so that way we can go to the zoo!" Vic chuckled before finding a parking spot.

We finally went into the zoo and saw many animals. My favourite was the tigers and the giraffes. Mike liked the reptiles and Vic liked the zebras because they looked like stripped horses. We got to everything fast and Vic even bought be a stuffed animal of a tiger and then left at three. "Alright Amber since we're done let's go get you more things!" Vic said. "I like things!" I joked. "Great because we're getting things for school!" "What?! No!!!" I whined. "Sorry mija but you got to go to school!" Vic laughed at me. "Whatever at least I'll have two more years left..." "What do you mean?" Mike asked me seriously. "I'm going to be a junior." I chirped when Vic started making a sniffling noise. "My baby is growing up!" He cried. "Vic relax I'll be 17 when I graduate..." I groaned. "That means you'll stay with your papa for a good while!" Vic said smiling at me. "But that's only if I decide to stay home instead of getting a dorm..." I teased. "And then I'll be far away." I snickered. "I can't even think about that right now!" Vic cried as Mike patted his back. "Relax Vic she won't leave that fast unless she has help." Laughed Mike. "You're not helping bro..." Vic said slapping his hand away as Mike and I laughed. "So are we stopping by the house first?" I asked Vic. "Nah we don't have to we have to get your things today because you start school tomorrow..." Vic said slowly and I felt my jaw drop. "You have to be kidding me right?" "Haha no not really school started last month so... Yeah you're starting tomorrow but no worries!" He said nervously.

We pulled up to a target and bought all the stupid school supplies. God I hated school. But it is what it is. "Vic can I get some gum?" "No." "Can I get chips?" "No." Vic was saying no to everything I asked for so I decided that I should be clever. "Hey Vic do I have to go to school tomorrow?" I said waiting anxiously for his reply. "Of course you do!" Vic smirked. "I already knew you were going to try to pull something like that." He laughed. "Hey Vic I'm going to get this cool hat!" Mike said throwing it in the cart. "Sure get it!" Vic said admiring it. "What?! And I can't get gum or chips?!" I whined. "Fine get some chips..." Vic said as I ran to the chip aisle. "Yay! Lemon flavoured lays!" I was reaching for the bag when someone else grabbed for it. "Hey man this bag of chips is mine..." I said when I looked up to see a familiar face. "Hey I know you! You're from the ice cream shop!" I said smiling at him. "Yeah that's me... Darin." He said telling me his name again. "Oh right sorry I forgot your name..." I said grabbing the bag of chips. "Bye Darin I'll see you around!" I waved goodbye at him. "Who was that young lady?" Vic asked me. "That was a friend I made at the mall." I said putting the chips in the cart. "Oh then that's fine. And wait...! We need to get you a back pack!" Vic screamed picking me up and throwing me in the cart. "Wee!" Was the only thing I could hear as I felt us hit the wall hard. "Vic! What the hell?!" I shouted as a white backpack fell on my lap. "Got your backpack let's go!" Vic said right when I was about to say something else but he sped off toward the register. "Hi did you find everything you needed today?" Asked the lady at the counter winking at Vic. "Yeah we did, everything was just fine. Right Amber?" Vic asked me as Mike chuckled. "Right..."

We paid for all of our things and were walking in the parking lot as Vic was studying the receipt for a second. "Hey she gave me her number..." Vic said looking at Mike. "You going to call her?" He asked making Vic laugh. "Hahaha! No." He said crumpling the recite and throwing it in the nearest trash. "She wasn't even pretty don't you think Amber?" "Yes sir!" I joked agreeing with him. "Hey where's Mike?" I asked Vic. "He's over their in the trash. Hey! You don't need that number you sicko!" Vic shouted at Mike. "Fine." He whined putting the lid back on the trash can. Vic and I laughed at him and went in the car to what seemed to be a awkward silence. "So what school am I going to?" I asked fiddling with my thumbs. "You're going to Clairemont high." Vic smiled as Mike turned over to look at me. "Don't worry going to Clairemont means you won't get bored because it'll go by fast." Mike said winking at me from under his sunglasses. I sat there thinking if it was a good thing or a bad thing. And I was thinking about this till we got home.

By the time it was "lights out" at the Fuentes house I couldn't sleep, so I got up and walked to the kitchen to see abuelo eating cookies and milk. "Holla mija how was your day at the zoo?" He asked me while he tried to comb out the crumbs from his moustache. "It was fun I just can't sleep..." I sighed sadly and sat next to abuelo. "Here have some cookies and milk I think it'll help." He laughed wiping away some paint on his shirt. "Did you get home late abuelo?" "Yeah long day at work... I had to paint three rooms today." He yawned and I patted his shoulder. "If you want abuelo I can go with you to work and help you paint!" I said and he shrugged. "One day mija for now you have to think about school." He said taking a look at his watch. "It's getting late mija you should go to bed now." I sighed and did as I was told. Luckily this time I actually fell asleep.

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