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We walked to the school parking lot and Sean took out a pair of keys. "I got my car back so I'll see you guys later..." He said as Darin nodded and Kennedy waved. "Bye Sean! See you tomorrow!" "Or maybe at your house!" He laughed taking his sunglasses off revealing beautiful blue eyes. "I like your eyes Sean!" "Thanks..." He winked and got into his car blasting his music.

A couple minutes later we were driving to my place. "So Amber have you been here in San Diego long?" Darin asked me. "Yeah most of my life..." I said looking out the window feeling my phone on my lap buzz. It was Vic.

"Amber we can't come at 4:30"
"It's okay my friend is giving me a ride."
"Is it a boy?"
"Yeah why?"
"He better not try anything funny!"
"Relax I just met him a couple days ago and he offered to drop me off at home."
"Well tell him thank you! Don't be rude."
"He left already and I already did tell him thank you Vic -_- see ya when you get home."
"Ok love you!"

I sighed putting my phone away in my pocket and slumped in my seat. "Something bothering you?" Darin asked me. "Nah it's just that V- I mean my dad is just asking about where I am..." "Don't worry we all have that over protective parent... My mom is the same way..." He chuckled as he turned onto my street and parked at the curb. "So this is where you exit..." He smiled at me as I nodded and thanked him. "Here's my number if you ever need a ride or someone to talk to or to hang out with or whatever..." He trailed off as he gave me the slip of paper with his number scribbled on it. "Thanks I'll keep that in mind..." I said waving to him and walking inside. "I'm home!" I shout getting no reply. "Alright then..." I said raiding the kitchen and running to my room.

"Mija I'm home and I brought tacos!" Vic shouted as I threw all my homework off me and ran to the kitchen. "Yay! Tacos!" I shouted when Mike stopped me. "Wheres my hat?" He said searching me for it. "I put it back in your room..." I said. Shoving me to the side he and ran for the room. "It better be here!" He shouted. "Here you go... So Amber I heard you had a great first day at school!" Vic laughed grabbing some soda from the fridge. "I sure did..." I snickered. "So what'd you do at school?" He asked me curiously. "It was pretty fun I made friends and I broke a guys nose!" I smiled pleasantly. Vic went quiet for a second. "Give me a high five! My baby doesn't take shit from no one! Yeah! My baby is a fighter!" He shouted when Mike ran to the kitchen. "Yeah! Ambers a fighter! You get a extra taco!" Mike said cheering with Vic. "Hahaha all this over breaking a dudes nose?" I asked them. "Hell yeah!" They both said. Abuelo walked back in from work. "Hey mija how was your first day of school?" He asked me and Mike and Vic went quiet. "It was great! I made lots of friends today." I smiled and he nodded. "Good at least you didn't do the same thing your knuckle head Tio and papa did... They both fought the same guy over a rice crispy!" He said said rubbing his temples. I chuckled and walked back to Vic and Mike who gave me a hug when the door was kicked in by Jaime. "Seriously?! This is the 5th time since last week you do this!" Abuelo cringed with frustration. "I'll go get my tools..." He sighed frustrated. Tony and Jaime made themselves at home. "Sorry Mr.Fuentes! I'll pay for a new door!" Jaime called turning his attention to Vic, Mike, and me. "So Amber... Come tell us about your first day of school!" He said patting the empty seat on the couch while Tony looked through his bag. "It was good..." I said looking at Vic. "Tell the truth..." "Fine... I made a few friends and I broke a guys nose." I said staring at Jaime. Then he looked at me with a dreamy like stare a gossipy girl would give you. "So were there any cute boys? Hmmm?" He said giving me a funny look. "Yeah no... Stop." I said when a stuffed turtle fell on my lap. "Name it Tony." Tony said smiling at me trying to hold a straight face. "Well maybe I will he's going to be Tony the pizza eating turtle." I laughed when Mike and Vic came sitting with us on the couch. Vic sat in Jaime's lap and Mike sat on Tony. "Nice turtle mija! Go put it in your room!" He said. I got off the couch and ran to my room texting Darin.
"Dude it's Amber look at my 🐢!"
"Hey Amber! And cute and so is the turtle ;)."
"If you're trying to flirt stop -_-" you're failing at it XD"

Meanwhile in the living room...

"So tour starts next week and Amber just started school... Do you really think Mrs.Bow will let her slide?" Tony asked eating his carrot sticks. "I'm sure she will so far she's managed to stay on Mrs.Bows good side so I'm sure it'll be fine but Amber will have a shit load of homework." Vic said looking over to Jaime giggling at his phone. "What are you doing?" Mike asked. "I'm talking to Austin right now he says he can't wait to see us and he says he has to share his bus with ATL and Jack is ready to get naked and cuddle." The guys laughed and they all stopped when they heard a knock at the door. "I'll get it." Said Vic opening the door to see a boy with black pencil bag. "Hi I'm Darin uh you must be Ambers brother..." "I'm her dad..." He said narrowing his eyes at him. "Well she left her pencil bag in my car could you give this to her." Darin said getting uncomfortable under Vic's glare until Vic was pushed into the wall by Jaime. "Oh you must be Amber's boyfriend!" Jaime gasped throwing him on the couch. "Don't move I'll get her." Jaime said sprinting towards my room. "Amber! Amber! Your boyfriend is here!" Jaime said gasping for air. "Boyfriend? What are you talking about?" I said walking past Jaime to see Darin being crowded by the rest of the guys. "What the hell are you guys doing?!" I shouted grabbing Darin's hand and having him stand next to me. "They're so cute together!" Teased Jaime making Vic get mad. "He's just a friend!" I said glaring at all the guys. "Amber I have to go my mom will get worried I'm not home soon." He said with a innocent look. "Okay I'll walk you out." I said glaring at the guys and patting his back. "Sorry about my dad and my uncles... They're over protective." I said looking down and Darin chuckled it's fine I think the same would happen if you visited my place." He said getting in his car and driving off.

A little later...

"Mija! Come here we need to tell you something." Vic said knocking on my door. "Okay I'll be out in a minute." I said holding a letter from little charlotte. I read it aloud to myself with a smile. "Dear Amber I miss you! It's been a whole week since I last saw you. Hope you haven't forgot about me. I grew a whole two inches also. I can't wait till you're 18 then we can be together! Can you visit me sometime? I really really want to see you Amber! And we can have juice boxes together! But no sweets. I've lost two teeth and I haven't got any money from her yet... I only got money when you were here. Guess you were lucky! See ya later love Charlotte" I smiled and put it away. I always remembered I would save up to leave money under her pillow. The look on her face each morning was always worth every penny I saved up. I got up and walked to the kitchen where the guys were and they all smiled at me. "Hey kiddo." Mike and Tony said passing me a soda. "Sit down mija we need to talk to you." Vic said looking at me with a straight face. "Is everything okay?" I asked. Vic gave a long sigh and smiled at me. "Yeah but I have good news and bad news. But I want to start off by saying we're sorry." The guys all nodded and mumbled their apologies. "So what do you want first good news or bad?" Vic asked me. "Good..." "alright well good news is we're going on tour!" He said. The guys all did their half asses yays. "Bad news is we're taking out of school in a week." Vic said looking at me seriously. "But I just started school and you're taking me out?" I asked cautiously. "Amber most kids would love to go on tour and skip school!" He said half serious. "I made so many friends too dad." I said realising what I said. "I mean Vic. "It's okay... And don't worry you can always Skype with them!" He said and I just sighed. "Alright Vic." I was getting up looking all mopey and all the guys pulled me into a group hug. "It's okay mija you'll still see your friends!" Mike said hugging me tighter. "Guys I can't breathe." I laughed. "Sorry mija and we'll have to talk to Mrs.Bow." Vic said slapping Jaime's hand away to stop him from touching his hair. "Alright well do whatever you gotta do." I smiled at him and walked away. I finished up my homework and played around with Vic's guitar until my phone rang. I looked on the screen to see a unknown number was texting me.

"Hey it's Kenny!"
"Oh Hey Kenny how'd you get my number?"
"Darin :B"
"Oh cool... So Wyd?"
"Looking for concert tickets."
"For which band?"
"PTV they're going on tour with SWS and might be with BMTH also."
"Oh well hope you get tickets soon."
"I'm looking forward to see Oliver Sykes! He's so handsome! Here! Look at this picture!"

Kennedy sent me the picture and I oddly had a crush on him real fast I guess it was he eyes.

"Is it weird to like him?"
"Amber it'd be weird if you didn't XD well I'll let you go my phone is gunna die."

With that I closed my phone and resumed playing around with Vic's guitar. I brought out a note book and wrote down some lyrics from the top of my head till I got tired.

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