What Girlfriend..? [Part 2]

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I apologize for the delay, I've been busy TwT
If you need a reason it's mostly because I needed to hang out with a friend 💕

The cheating didn't stop.

If only George had the guts to tell her girlfriend that he wasn't interested, but instead, he let the cheating happen.

In fact, Clay is the one who initiate. Not George. And what would George do? He would let it happen.

"Babe, I'm going out, yeah?" Jessica states, going over his boyfriend who was over the counter, his face flushed pink for absolutely no reason.

Her boyfriend, George smiled softly at Jessica, kissing her cheek gently. "Alright, babe." He says, continuing on what he was doing before.

"George- Oh! Good morning, Jessica." Clay greeted towards the lovely young lady. "Going somewhere?" Clay added as he stayed across from George's view, at the opposite side of the counter.

"Good morning, Clay." She smiled at the blonde haired boy. "And yes, I'm going to the mall with Eve and Lia." Jessica started to grin. "Now bye, baby." She waved at George blowing him a small kiss, while walking away from the counter making Dream go over to the lonely brunette on the other side of the counter.

"Oh George~" Dream called out, his stance too close to George. The brunette didn't mind it, his face now red from how close Clay was.

"How's that vibrating cockring on your dick?" Clay smirked, placing his hands around the smaller male's waist, squeezing him tightly while George lightly groaned at the action. "Oh god, how I've missed you..." Dream moaned unto his ear, gently massaging his inner thigh.


"Use my name, George." Dream replied, earning a small nod from the brunette.

"S-shit... Clay..?" He calls out the blonde's name.

"Yep?" Clay asked, his hands trailing under the apron and into his pants, massaging his partner's member while grinding his on George's ass.

"J-Jessica's keys are still here." He stuttered, looking over the car keys that rested upon the counter.

"Do you not want her to see you like this, Gogy?~" Dream proceeded to kiss the brunette on the cheek while turning on the vibrator up to the 6th level. George was drooling in response to the vibrator, gripping on Clay's shirt for support.

"Babe?" Jessica called out as her heels echoed through the room.

Clay immediately let go of George having George to take care of himself. In which to Clay's surprise, the brunette's composure wasn't off and welcomed Jessica in a small smile. "Yes babe?" George responded, his thighs rubbing together in secret so he doesn't make it obvious that there is a vibrator against his boner.

"Have you seen my keys?" She asked, arms crossed.

"They're-" George froze as Dream innocently smiled over to him. George looked behind Dream and caught a glimpse of the remote, Level 7.

"O-over..." Level 8, George can't keep his composure anymore, he definitely was about to cum and definitely didn't care that his girlfriend was just in front of him.

"Got it, Jessica." Dream intruded, grabbing the car keys that were just behind the seasoning boxes.

Clay gave it to her with a gentle smile while Jessica smiled back, thanking Clay and leaving to her car so she could finally go to the mall.

And as soon as George heard Jessica's car leave, he immediately fell on the counter, quickly but sloppily removing his pants to show his bare ass to Clay.

"C-Clay, please..." He moaned out, already touching tip to try and relieve himself from the vibrator. "I want you..." George finally says.

"Now, now, Gogy~" Clay held George's hand so they don't go off to touch himself.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, shall we?~"


"George." Jessica called out.

She was on their bed, arms crossed while she stared at her lover who was going to walk out the door.

"Yes?" George turned his head to the female who took a deep breath before she spoke to George.

"I've noticed your behaviour recently, George..."

George gulped, turning over to her completely and dropping his bags. "Jess..."

"I just, I don't know... you always smell like sex when you come back and you've never really paid so much attention to me..." She then began to look away, trying her hardest not to cry. "George, I just wanna hear it from you..."

The brunette sighs, walking over to Jessica, kneeling in front of her. "I'm sorry Jessica..." George looked regretful and sad.

"I have been cheating on you..."

The Ravenette girl soon broke down. She didn't believe that she was cheated on. She couldn't. "G-George... why..?" She cried her heart out asking.

"It's not that you're a terrible person. You're wornderful, Jessica. It's just." It was really hard for George to say anything. A sweet, wonderful lady is crying in front of him for being incredibly stupid. "I can't..."

Jessica has stopped crying. Her eyes confused but slowly started to be calm and relaxed.

"Have you been sleeping with another woman?" Jessica furrowed her brows, expression getting furious by the minute.

"Yes, I know..." George didn't know what to say and lied. He wouldn't know what to do if she found out he had been sleeping with someone in the house. "I'm sorry."

She burst out crying once again. "You bastard! I thought it was Clay..." She cried out. "Why are you not with Clay!" She screamed, leaning over their bed and staining it with her tears.

"... What..?" George says out of confusion.

And so, everything in the end got explained and Jessica was cool with it, broke up with George and moved away from Florida 💕



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