Blind Idiots

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George's POV

"Bad! Bad!"

'There it is again...' I look up from my notes and see Dream talking to the one and only, BadBoyHalo.

"What is it, Dream?" Bad smiled, looking at Dream in a way that I can't.

"There are some people that are breaking in your home." He reported to the boy.

"What?!" He yelled and immediately dashed out of our sight, leaving Dream to just stand there. Dream chuckled as he went, eyes landing on me the time Bad was gone.

"Hi Gogy!" He greeted, ruffling my hair as he came across me.

"Hey Dream." I reply in my usual tone, not showing the jealousy I feel towards our cinnamon roll in the group. Don't get me wrong. I like him the same way as everyone does but Dream just gets out of his way to help him.

"Are you going home alone today?" He asks, grinning, taking away some of my things I carried so he could carry it. I smile back at him. "Yeah. How about you?" I questioned back, my cheeks definitely tinted red from the help.

"Same. Wanna go together?" He asked, lending me his hand afterwards. "Of course." I say, squeezing my hand when I reached out for him.

"Sweet! Let's go..?"

"... Sure, Dream."


We were walking down the street. It was December and the air was getting colder every day. The sweater he was wearing was knitted, the colors of Christmas were present as it gave the picture of a Christmas tree. Mine was just green and blue, designed with a few snowflakes.

"I realized something." Dream broke the peaceful silence while his gaze still focused forward. I tilted my head in curiosity. We slowed down for a while and he turned to me with a brow raised. "Is that my sweater?" He asked, the look of curiosity visible on his face.

My face immediately was tinted in a shade of pink. "W-well, yeah..?" I stammered a bit, averting my eyes away from his gaze, a bit embarrassed that he figured it out. He stopped walking, as I did after taking a few more steps.

I looked back at him a bit confused why he has stopped walking but then he looked at me with his dorky grin. "It's still cute on you." He says, the tinted pink blush on my cheeks had slowly turned into a darker shade. As I was about to say something, his eyes quickly looked at another direction from behind me. "Bad!" His eyes sparked, quickly forgetting about me and running towards Bad.

My heart sunk, saddened that he straight up ran towards the muffin loving man. I turned around and saw him with Dream already talking, a happier expression on Clay's face. I sighed, not letting go of my jealous aura, walking towards the two. I wanna deny it but if I say I wasn't happy to see Bad, I would be lying. He is a great friend and a great person after all.

"What are you doing here, Bad?" I questioned, giving a soft smile.

"I was just finding for Ghostbur's house. He kinda forget his... thing." He replied with a small smile.

"Do you want us to accompany you?" Dream offered, his eyes seem to brighten once he had asked the question.

Bad immediately shook his head. "You guys look like you're hanging out and I don't want to intrude." He looked at me, his face filled with concerned. He knew about my crush towards Dream and that's why I was also happy, Bad tries and pushes us together.

"It's fine. Right George?" Dream waited for my approval as Bad looked me for denial, shaking his head rapidly at me.

"W-well. I... Sure. Why not?" I gave another smile. Bad looked at me with his brows furrowed, a bit bothered by what I just said. He knew as well that I could barely deny Dream.

"Besides. I think Bad should always be protected." Dream says as he led the way while Bad and I followed him from behind.

"George. Why'd you say that?" Bad whispered, a bit disappointed at me and he showed me by making this face he makes.

"Well, I just don't want him to think I'm needy or something..." I shyly replied, looking down, a bit embarrassed that I told Bad that. I mean its true, it'll be embarrassing and thought of him throwing me aside scared me.

"Well, George. If you want him to think that you like him, why not try being a teeny bit needy." He looked at me with a smile while he gave his advice.

I went silent for a bit. "Does it work?" I questioned.

He turned his head to me, a bit tilted, looking confused on what I asked. "What do you mean by that?" his brows furrowed, still slightly confused. "I mean... did Skeppy thought you liked him when you tried being needy?" as I explained, his face went red and most probably choked on air. "Z-Zak..?" He stuttered, his smile slowly forming into a grin.

"Are you okay, Bad?" I questioned, a bit concerned at how red he's been looking.

"Bad?! You okay?" Dream came rushing to her once I asked that. "You're red! Are you sick? S-should I carry you?" He started checking Bad's temperature. I just look away in hopes I don't seriously get jealous of Dream's overprotectiveness towards the hooded man.

Third Person POV

"D-Dream, I'm fine. I think that George is the one not feeling well." Bad smiled, nudging Dream while looking at the other who looked like he's about to turn green. Dream's eyes lit up and rushed to George.

George? Are you alright? Need to throw up?" He began questioning. Bad stood afar watching the two idiots care for each other. "Ghostbur's house is just over there and if I carr—" "Dream." George finally called his name catching Dream's attention. "Yeah?" He replied, still slightly concerned.

"I'm fine." George smiled, eyes closed with a sincere smile that Dream fell in love with. It made Dream blush in a light shade of red, seeing once again this cute side of George. Dream couldn't help it but lean towards George. The brunette haired male saw this and shut his eyes once more, feeling Dream's lips on his forehead. "That's good." Dream smiled and held George's hand for the rest of the walk to Ghostbur's house.

It was just a peck, but that alone made George redder than a cherry. Bad knows both had a crush on each other and were super horrible at showing it. George thought Dream liked Bad because he always sees Bad with him, yet Dream too thinks that George liked Bad because of the same reason. Bad was annoyed that the two had the same problem and were too shy to confront it so Bad did all the matchmaking.

He was a bit disappointed that it was just a kiss on the head, though.


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