22. She's a runner, she's a track star

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*Daniel's POV* (IK FINALLY)

I had no IDEA how bad Nick's slap had been until I was sitting in medical with a bandage wrapped around my torso like I'd broken a rib. I was in pain.

I'd told Nick Durnham that I thought he was a stupid dick with anger issues and he slapped me in the nipples. Ouch.

The nurse in medical smiled sadly at me. She was middle aged, no wedding ring. I frowned angrily at her. Why is she pitying me? She's the one who works part time as a nurse for a boarding school in the middle of nowhere so she can raise enough money to finish med school.

If this was a fun facts about me game, I'd say I don't want to play, because that's stupid.

I threw my shirt back on, signed my name on the medical slip and grabbed my bag from the chair next to the bed. Then I stepped out into the corridor, and began walking as fast as I could in the opposite direction to, 1) my classroom and 2) the pair of teachers chatting in the hall.

My steps were large, frequent and quiet. But it wasn't enough, because Ms. Fletcher's booming voice echoed through the empty corridor.

"HALT!" she said, her voice deep and imperative. I froze in my tracks.

"We'd like to speak with you, Mr. Rain." Came the same, commanding voice. She had the same tone as he did. Commanding and seductive. She wasn't sexually seducing me, she was brainwashing-seducing me. Regardless, I froze where I was and tried to stop my hand from trembling.

"How is your chest?" She didn't leave room for me to answer, but rather continued to speak. "We would normally contact your parents," I shook my head and lowered it to the ground, kicking the air lightly." "Exactly. So we would ask which you would like to be informed." I looked up at the ceiling, sighed, and closed my eyes.

"Daniel, please turn around. We would like to see you, It's just polite, is all. Honest, that's all." Came the lighter, jolly voice of Mr. Steely. I turned around and marched back.

"Call my Father." I said. But then thought about it.

Father wouldn't be in his right mind, and the school can't find out about that. They'll send me back. I can't go back.

"But he'll be... in a work meeting." The first lie. "He and then after that he'll be heading on a work trip." The second lie. "To Peru. Business and all." Lie number three, let's draw it in and... "He owns his own company, you know." HOME RUN!!!

Mr. Steely smiled. "Well let us know when he's free." I nodded a blatantly fake nod. I felt fake. But what's to be done? They were going to call my father.

Then, as I studied Mr Steely's face for thoughts. He was unsuspecting of anything, and seemingly wanting food. However, Ms.Fletcher was doubtful. Her features, though seemingly poker, held doubts, suspicion and a slight, very faint dashing hint of concern. Then her eyes lifted and the blankest look of pure delight struck across her features. 

What the heck? Someone can make icy over here smile?

I turned around to see the person, but when I looked around there was no one there.

But loud footsteps vibrated down the corridor and I looked to see the back of one very distinct girl.

There's only one girl who can make Ms.Fletcher's face light up like that. My secret long-term crush, Becca.

Her golden-brown, curly hair bounced out of view behind a wall, and her bag swung round after her short, tan body. I smiled. She was truly pretty. And she was a total badass. She knew what she wanted and who she was.

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