I am super, super sorry

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Ok so I'm not about to make a million and one excuses for why I haven't updated in forever. But I do want to say I've been super sick recently and I feel really light headed and tired all the time so it's been hard for me to feel motivated to do anything. But I am so grateful that you've all read this far and I promise I will pick this story back up. But for the moment I need to get the storyline back together. So I'm going to start a different book. Probably of supernatural type. So I wanted to let you all know that that will be happening on the sidelines. It's about a girl who's best friend is a vampire or a vampire queen or something, I'm not entirely sure because I'm about to start writing it now but that's sort of the direction that's heading in. I don't know the specifics of which vampire universe they will belong to yet so idk.

Anyway I just wanted to say again that I need to stamp out the storyline of this book because I'm unsure where Robert came from or if I even want him in the story at all so watch this space because I might just cut him out entirely if he doesn't fit with my vibe, ya know?

Anyway so watch this space, TYSM, and I love you all so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 ⏰

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