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Face Claim: Danielle Rose Russel
Character Name: Ellie Swan
Love Interest: N/A*
Supernatural status: N/A* (within reason)
"Thea come on. You can't keep doing this"
"I think I can do whatever the hell I want. It's a little insulting that you think you can stop me. Get out"
"You heard me get out"
"Fine but when you come to me because this whole thing blows up in your fa- never mind. Just talk to me after this all blows over. Bye"
-Ellie and Thea

"I just don't understand."
"Ahh you scared me. What are you doing here at Queens Consolidated. Besides your internship. I mean of course your here for your internship I just mean like at this point in time. Right here. And now"
"Yeah I know"
-Felicity and Ellie

"Why didn't you ever tell me. I always told you what was happening with me."
"Please just stop. Okay. I just. It was just. I. I'm a coward okay. I thought that if I could help others I would help myself. But all did was bring me more pain okay are you happy"
"No. And neither are you but that okay come on. We're gonna talk, eat, and sleep for the weekend."
"What about your party."
"You're more important than some dumb party."
-Thea and Ellie

"Oliver you are a good brother. Thea just having a difficult time adjusting. I mean she thought you were dead and now you're not.... and I mean she grieved. I don't think she ever got over it and you're so different now- that"
"That what"
"That it's weird. I mean of course you changed who wouldn't but it's just hard. You were gone not on purpose but you were. Now you suddenly are trying to control her"
"Keep her safe"
"Control. She's a big girl now and she has to make her own mistakes"
Ellie Swan is a friend Thea made from school while her brother and father were missing then declared dead. Ellie really helped out when the Queen family was going through a difficult time some would say it was in her nature to help those in need. Ellie became Thea's angel on her shoulder even if she ignored said angel from time to time. Ellie is the perfect girl next door or so everyone thinks; she's constantly hurting with the fact that she thinks it's her fault her mom is dead. So she put all her grief and suffering into helping others, and when her best friends brother comes back from the dead she feels like the Queen family needs a lot of help especially Oliver. Developing a crush on him wasn't suppose to happen but she's just letting things play out.

So Ellie is a very complicated character while she always seems happy and serving on the inside she's constantly putting herself down and feels guilty about everything. She always feels like she can do more. Also she does develop a crush on Oliver but he never returns the feelings and sees her like a little sister. But that's okay she will accept that. She's not the type to get butt hurt. For a love interest you can create an oc or have Roy or something.

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