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Face Claim: Devery Jacobs
Character Name: Victoria Lahote *
Love interest: Seth Clearwater
Supernatural status: Human
"Paul you forgot I have my homework in the car"

"Why is he staring at me. This is awkward. I gotta go thanks for my homework see you sometime tomorrow. Great bye"

"I'm socially awkward Paul I don't know what you want me to do"...."Why would I talk to anyone unless it was absolutely necessary, my books keep me great company"
Plot: Victoria is the complete opposite of her brother she nice, kind hearted, open minded, and socially awkward. Even with these differences she loves her brother and they have a great relationship. Though she does not approve of his friends. And then one day she goes over to get her homework when she is met by Seth Clearwater the boy everybody adores in her grade. And he just stands there after looking in her eyes, so she gets what she needed and got out of there.

•Please give me credit and if someone's has something similar to this I am so sorry it's my first time with this and still kinda new to Wattpad. Ask for permission to write this because I would want to read it.

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