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Face Claim: Logan Lerman *
Character Name: Ryan Matthews
Love interest: Maya Hart
"Listen Riley I love you, but Maya would never go for me. How did you know I like her. We've never talked about this before."

"Maya no matter what I'm by your side if this is really or it isn't. If you like Lucas or if you don't. I only want what's best for you....And Riley"

"Listen Lucas chose who you want but if you hurt Maya or Riley I will break you. No amount of Texas Lucas can save you if you hurt them"
Plot: Ryan Matthews smart, Jock, handsome, and full of positive energy he is also HER twin brother. He is kinda like Riley just a tad bit mature (like not all innocent about not knowing the bad in world). Maya liked him back before the whole triangle thing and now that she is back and she doesn't know and Ryan has liked her the whole time and he doesn't know she likes him. ( The Josh and Maya someday thing doesn't happen). Now she is figuring out her feelings.

•Please give me credit and if someone's has something similar to this I am so sorry it's my first time with this and still kinda new to Wattpad. Ask for permission to write this because I would want to read it.

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